Destructo Kitty

The younger of our kitties, Nimue, came into the household 9 years ago like a whirlwind. She was into everything and the number of items that she wrecked was legion.  Everyone told me that she would eventually settle down.  Can somebody tell me WHEN?

I like to display my birthday cards along the top of the built-in buffet in the dining room. The picture above is what it looks like.

The picture below is what I came home to this afternoon. Nimue has lots of nicknames, but now she has another – DESTRUCTO KITTY.

What do you think makes a grown-up?

31 thoughts on “Destructo Kitty”

  1. A participle, a hyphen, a preposition making a noun. English is such a deliciously plastic language.
    I would list several traits, which would require me to do a self-check. So I will not.

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  2. I wasn’t happy in college and I ended up taking a leave of absence for two months, getting an apartment in Northfield and waitressing at The Country Kitchen. At the end of the first month when I paid my rent with my own earnings, I felt really grown up. I even made a cake decorated like a check for my rental amount and had a party!

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      1. Yeah at the time I thought that was seriously grown up. I had worried a little bit about whether I could support myself and was happy I didn’t go running to my parents.


  3. RIse and Just Grow Up Baboons,

    Lordy, I am not sure what it is to grow up, nor do I know if I have gotten there. And now after turning 65, I realize that I have to cope with all these aging issues. Whatever a grown-up is, I probably am not that.

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  4. I came home from work the other day to find my morning coffee cup and the quarter cup of unfinished coffee left in it on the kitchen floor. Our wild tortie cat had sticky coffee residue on her fur. I guess I wasn’t grown up enough to empty out my cup before I left for work. I really don’t want our cats to grow up. They are too much fun as they are. Does that mean I am not very grown up, either?

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    1. That’s funny. This morning I drove back home after four blocks because I had left my lemonade on the counter. I wasn’t too worried about not having a lemonade with me but I was worried about Nimue knocking it off the counter at some point during the day


  5. I typically give my young clients a 10 minute warning that our time in the play therapy room is coming to an end. One of them asked me to not give the warning any more, and I keep forgetting and give the warning. The last time it happened I put myself in time out in the play room corner. My client thought it was hilarious, especially since they got to decide when I could come out.

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  6. I’ve always thought being able to accept responsibilities for your actions is PART of making you an adult. And knowing enough to understand expectations understand the consequences is part of it too.

    This is such an interesting question and we talk about this in regard to our daughter often.
    Chronologically she’s 23 yrs old. An “adult”. And I use that against her sometimes; “You’re 23. You should be able to do this.”
    But emotionally she’s somewhere between 14 and 20? Or maybe 12 and 18??
    She reads at maybe an 8th grade level. She loves to read! She loves to copy song lyrics and science stuff from books. In little tiny print all jammed together with no space between her words and filling the notebook page from side to side. 🙂
    I am constantly working with her to leave a space between the words. Just like it is in the book you’re copying from; they have a space, you should leave a space. She laughs as I get all animated about it.

    She still wants us to take her to bed at night. I have pushed her to go to bed by herself and I just come in and say goodnight.
    She does her laundry. She does household chores. She makes a lot of her own meals. She packs her own lunch.
    If she was a little taller I could her mowing the lawn. 🙂
    It’s an odd dichotomy to see her do all these “adult” things and still have her want me to take her to bed. It messes up my head.

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    1. I know this feeling Ben. In the mornings I watch TV for a little bit while I’m having breakfast. And quite often when I turn the television on it is set to the cartoon channel. I guess my 23 year old young adult still likes cartoons.

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        1. I never identified with Bugs Bunny or his nemesis. Bugs was a smatass and Elmer Fudd was both too doltish and homicidal for my tastes. The cartoon series I identified with was Roadrunner. F Scott Fitzgerald wrote poetically about how we “beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” Poetic. But it can’t touch a Roadrunner cartoon for vivid presentation of great lust that fails to be consummated.

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  7. I think you start being a grown-up when you stop blaming someone else – or crediting someone else – for what happens to you. This usually happens gradually, I think, not in one fell swoop. I probably don’t “take ownership” all of the time, but a lot more than I did as a child or teen.

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