tim tackles time

today’s post comes from tim

my 28 year old son made the comment the other day that his friends who were giving him crap about not being available as much once he got into a relationship was seeing the other side of the equation now that they got involved in a relationship and are now not able to get away themselves.  he laughed and mentioned that he was going to try to put together an event that would call them together so they wouldn’t lose the friendships out of attrition. i was about to suggest that he set it up for every two months because the every month get together is too easy to miss. if its every two months the missing of oen meeting makes a 4 month void which either is a big deal or the premise was wrong to begin wit.

this got me thinking about time chunks. if a year is 365 days and a season is 90 ish days long and a month is 30 and a day is 24 hours…. what does it say about the decisions we make regarding the comings and goings of a time chunk?

i love the christmas feeling of goodwill and the side of people that comes out to greet the season. i got to thinking if christmas were every  6 months it would lose its effect. the time is perfect for a renewal without feeling harassed.

the seasons are perfect 90 days of spring followed by 90 days of summer followed by 90 days of fall then  winter to be done in order once again next time with a variation of the glob to be realized during and after it is experienced. fall 2015 has been mild, winter has been easy on the shoulder hunchers and downright mean to the winter outdoor enthusiasts. if summers warm got issed the way winters cold is mieed this year we would have wailing and gnashing of teeth. . people in san diego and equador lose the urgency to do it today because the time of this cycle is real.

our book club meets every 2 months because every month  is too often. my card palying group plays once a month because we need one  night  a month to call our own the group is not particlarly close but has an appreciation for the celebration of coming together once a month for reknewal and commrodarie in the name of the time gods.

if a day was 12 hours long and the planet sun a little faster so the day of work play and sleep had to happen in a 12 hour instead of a 24 hour frame it would be schitzo. if the day were 30 hiurs long would it be nice to have a little more time to ge tthngs done but what would we do with the extra 6 hours?

there was an experiment i read about ears ago where they locked people in a building with no references to time and had the days and nights blocked out and no clocks radios or references to time in the traditional sense. you could watch a movie but not on the normal 7-9 agenda you normally do it would be when you wanted and when it was over the next thing on your calendar would come up. sleep would go as long as it needed to and only as often as you demanded it.

how often would  you do what if you were the timekeeper? 

51 thoughts on “tim tackles time”

  1. Morning all! OT announcement…

    Friday is the 7th anniversary of Radio Heartland and Mike is going to re-run the LGMS Request Show at noon. He said if we have any requests, he’ll try to get them into the 9-12 slot. SO, if there was something that you requested last time that didn’t make the show, let me know. I have to have requests to Mike by tomorrow night.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I’m having trouble finding the playlist for the Request Show and I can’t remember what was played and what wasn’t. If I could find that, I could see what didn’t get played, that I wanted (assuming that I can find the blog post where we listed all our requests). Can anybody help me?


      1. Playlist

        Hour 1
        “When the Prairie Sun Climbs Out of the Hay” Sons of the Pioneers
        “Roseville Fair” Bill Staines
        “Under the Quarter Moon” Carla Sciaky
        “Einstein The Genius” Cranberry Lake Jug Band
        “What’s He Building” Tom Waits
        “In Tall Buildings” John Hartford
        “Our Town” Iris DeMent
        “I’m From New Jersey” John Gorka
        “Your State’s Name Here” Lou and Peter Berryman
        “Canned Goods” Greg Brown
        “I Have You” Connie Kaldor
        “If Wishes Were Fishes” Eric Bogle
        “Give Yourself to Love” Kate Wolf
        “Easter Island” Throat Culture

        Hour 2
        “Waltzing With Bears” Priscilla Herdman
        “The Dutchman” Steve Goodman
        “The Galaxy/Lighten Up” Jim Post
        “Transit” Richard Shindell
        “Holy Now” Peter Mayer
        “Beautiful Sea/Holy Lake Baikal” Pianitsky Chorus
        “Child of Mine” Carole King
        “Over the Rainbow/Wonderful World” Israel Kamakawiwo’ole
        “The Mary Ellen Carter” Stan Rogers
        “With Her Head Tucked” Caryl P. Weiss
        “Cut the Cake” John McCutcheon
        “The Fair” Ann Reed
        “Truckload of Art” Terry Allen
        “Impressionists Two Step” Pop Wagner
        “Old Love” Neal and Leandra
        “Mold Love” Neal and Leandra
        “Little Potato” Metamora


  2. I’ve been thinking about for the last hour and can’t really get myself out of my human time warp. Every time I think about what I would schedule when I run up against my reliance on “hourly, daily, weekly, monthly” etc.

    Like tim I have some things that need weekly (choir – if it’s longer than a week, then I forget everything from the last practice) and some that need monthly and some that need more than that. And I absolutely agree that if we had Christmas/Solstice/Hanukah/Kwanza more than we do, it would be dreadful. Of course I think we could actually have a little LESS Christmas/Solstice/Hanukah/Kwanza and not get started before Thanksgiving is even over!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I prefer no messing with time. I have a lot of trouble adjusting my sleep pattern to day light saving time. That is too much messing with time for me.

    I do think it helps to set up the use of time into patterns that work well. Holding important meetings at regular scheduled times that work for the people involved is good. I think many of us need more free time and it would be good to have shorter work weeks. However, this would require a major shift in our economy with peoples’ needs put ahead of profiteering.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. OT – I cut and pasted the announcement about Radio Heartland from yesterday and forgot to adjust the timing – need requests by TONIGHT!

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  5. Daughter has said after several events, “I wish we could do _____ more often.” And my reply is always that it wouldn’t feel so fun and special if we did _____ every day or every week. Part of the fun is that it doesn’t happen every day.

    If I ran my own schedule not based on hours or days, I would likely still wind up with some sort of structure to the day – eating happens after sleeping (though maybe there could be more time for sleeping), whatever constituted “daily work” or chores would happen next, to get them done. But reading or movies could happen midday as a break to the work vs waiting for the end of the day – maybe do a task or two, take a break to read a chapter or two in a book, another task…eat when you get hungry. After X number of sleeps, if you haven’t seen a friend, visit a friend sometime before the next sleep. Celebrate when it feels like a good day to celebrate something. Though as someone with a high need to celebrate, it would be disorienting to lose track of when birthdays happen…

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Rise and Shine on Time Baboons and Don’t Mess with Jim’s Schedule!

    Oh, Lord, it is just too much to even think about–I can hardly get it all done now. Can’t get off the treadmill.


    Liked by 1 person

  7. the experiment where they put people in a lab setting found the landed at something like staying awake 30 hours and sleeping 6 as a standard time frame.
    i dont think it went on for a long time so i dont know if the same schedule would be in place if it went on for a year but i found it interesting

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I remember reading somewhere that humans, when deprived of external cues, fall into a circadian rhythm that corresponds to the day/night cycle of the planet Mars.


  8. I’ve always fancied the idea of living on my own schedule independent of the 24-hour day. Sleep until I wake up, do what I need and want to do while I’m awake, eat when I’m hungry, go to bed when I’m tired. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

    Whether that would result in 23-hour days, 25-hour days, 30 hour days or 50 hour days I have no idea, but I’d like to give it a try for a month or two. The only problem would be having to interact with “the rest of you mutts” on your time schedules. 😉

    Chris in Owatonna
    (Whose wife is retiring at the end of the year, so I might just try this weird experience in 2016 so she won’t be on a strict schedule that I have to accommodate so she won’t go crazy or get fired.)

    Liked by 5 people

  9. The musically inclined in small towns have no time to themselves in December. We have work band rehearsals for our agency Christmas party, bell choir rehearsals for our usual Sunday as well as a Lessons and carols service on the 20th, We are also performing with our native friends in Pine Ridge this weekend. I don’t know how our church organists do it all year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My mom was a church organist and choir director before she retired. December was the busiest – besides prep for Christmas Eve and Day there was often extra stuff for the kids plis Advent…Holy week was almost as bad, but only a week instead of a month. I think it helped that it was her only job – she wasn’t working a day job on top of it. Occasional freelance stuff that could be fit in around the church calendar, but that was it.


  10. Speculating about how we could rearrange time is a lot like speculating about heaven. Everyone has ideas about what heaven might be like. After reflection, most people end up thinking that it is hard to think of a better world than the one we have (with all its beguiling unpredictability and variety).

    I remember a joke. A golfer dies. He was a miserable human being who cheated on his wife, bullied his kids, made fun of cripples and tortured puppies just for fun. When he woke up after dying, he was on a perfect golf course. His very first drive was a hole in one. His second drive was a hole in one. After a dozen drives, each one going in the hole, the golfer admitted to his partner. “After the life I’ve led I didn’t expect to end up in heaven!”

    His companion smiled knowingly. “What makes you think this is heaven? Go ahead and take your next swing.”

    Liked by 3 people

  11. The 365/24/7 is still in place but being retired does a job on the clock/calendar. On the one hand, there is tons of time to get things done or to enjoy new or old activities. On the other hand, there are even more tomorrows into which to toss one’s to-do list.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. OT sorta…VS, I don’t remember if I asked for Turning Toward the Morning with Bok, Muir & Trickett…or if it made the cut. But, just in case, my request. thanks.


  13. I had a friend who was passionate about pheasant hunting. Jim complained every year that there were not enough free days in fall to hunt his favorite bird. His dream was to hunt every day of the month, 30 days in a row.

    His dream came true. Something happened that left him free to hunt every day for 30 days. And he did. But Jim told me that after the tenth consecutive day of hunting he would have paid money to be free to sit at home for a day or two. “It was just like having to go to the (effing) office. I could barely drag myself out of bed. I kept saying Do I GOTTA go again?”

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Another way to do time –
    Found what I’ve been looking for – from Jane Eyre, habits of the grown cousin Eliza when Jane returned to her Aunt’s deathbed: “She had an alarum to call her up early… after [breakfast] she divided her time into regular portions; and each hour had its allotted task. Three times a day she studied… the Common Prayer Book… Three hours she gave to stitching… Two hours she devoted to her diary; two to working by herself in the kitchen-garden; and one to the regulation of her accounts… I believe she was happy in her way: this routine sufficed to her; and nothing annoyed her so much as the occurrence of any incident which forced her to vary its clock-work regularity.”

    Liked by 3 people

  15. I’ve been telling everyone about David Eagleman lately, the scientist who created the PBS series “The Brain” that aired recently. He’s also the author of Sum: 40 tales of the afterlives, in which one chapter (afterlife) called “Sum” goes like this:
    “In the afterlife you relive all your experiences, but this time with the events reshuffled into a new order: all the moments that share a quality are grouped together.
    You spend two months driving the street in front of your house, seven months having sex. You sleep for thirty years without opening your eyes. … Fifteen months looking for lost items. Eighteen months waiting in line…” And my favorite: “Four minutes wondering what your life would be like if you reshuffled the order of events. In this part of the afterlife, you imagine something analogous to your Earthly life, and the thought is blissful; a life where episodes are split into tiny swallowable pieces, where moments do not endure, where one experiences the joy of jumping from one event to the next like a child hopping from spot to spot on the burning sand.”

    Liked by 1 person

  16. thanks guys good stuff. im off to daughters concert, tima was my guide all day long after 230 wake up should be down about 11 tonight for 5 am rise tomorrow. time ….


  17. sometimes therapy sessions seem to drag on forever, and other times they just aren’t long enough to get things done. All my sessions are about the same length, so it is my experience of the time that differs.

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  18. I don’t think it would be a good idea for me to be timekeeper, but if I was I would stretch out the morning hours so that those mornings after a nearly sleepless night would be long enough for me to catch some zzzzs and also to get wherever I’m going on time. And on mornings following a good sleep, I could log onto the Trail, drink a hot beverage, eat breakfast, and be relaxed and unhurried without suddenly realizing that it’s 11:30 and I haven’t done a darn thing yet. So, yeah, basically make mornings longer.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. I’d like to make each day about two hours longer. Then you’d have a little more time to get things done, and plenty of time to sleep. The same number of days in a week, weeks/months in a year, length of seasons. Just 26 hours a day instead of 24. Employers would be restricted to 40 hours max for the work week. No overtime.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. could i piush the button and get 3 or 4 when i need it? maybe on occasion shorten it up a couple hours and get to sleep now to freshen up fo the new day in 6 hours regardless of when i go to bed.


  20. The drive from Richardton, ND to Dickinson is about 20 miles. It is the longest 20 miles I drive, It seems to take forever. I suppose because it is near to home. Other 20 mile stretches never seem that long and tedious.


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