Space Cadets

Astronauts Scott and Mark Kelly are no longer identical twins. After almost a year on the International Space Station, tests have revealed that some of Scott’s chromosomes have been altered – becoming longer.  He is also about 2 inches taller.  Medical science is not sure if these changes will be permanent.

You just came back from space. What change would you like to experience in your chromosomes?

46 thoughts on “Space Cadets”

    1. But keep your hands away from the stove

      You hear about people not being aware there hand is on a hot burner or that they are walking on broken foot


    1. My husband has curly hair. Mine was straight as a board, until after I had our children. They have curly hair, too. Now I have one curly patch in the back of my head behind my right ear. I think I got it from hudband’s DNA.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Rise and Shine Baboons,

    What Barb said.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well, I wish our daughter had inherited my gene for good driving. Yesterday she appears to have totalled her second vehicle in 3 years. Not much damage to the exterior of the vehicle, bu all the airbags deployed, and the are outrageously ecpensive to replace, more than the car is worth.

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    1. Could I please be given a ” quickness” gene? I think about a sentence three times before I come up with the best way of putting it.


    2. Could I please be given a “quickness” gene? I have to think about a sentence three times before I come up with the best way of putting it.

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    3. I knew a woman who had five kids, only two of whom had common sense. Her daughter was especially careless. That woman prayed each night that her daughter would have a small accident that might scare her into driving better. I was impressed with the power of prayer. That summer the daughter have four relatively mild accidents.

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      1. Daughter has to drive a lot for her job. In the last 2 weeks she put on 900 miles. We told her that means she has to exercise even more caution. At least the other vehicle had no damage, and no one was injured.

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  3. i’m back from space and want to celebrate the newly discovered gene that makes every wish for the betterment of the world come true

    woo hoo

    i’m think mike pence is the best insurance policy ever

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I find him a whole lot more distressing than entertaining, I have to admit. What can Stormy possibly reveal about him that we don’t already know?


  4. I want the two inches I’ve lost in height back, and the several inches I’ve gained in girth gone. While I’m at it, I’d also like my DNA to change so that I can regrow lost or damaged tissue.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. I want my height inches back!!! From 5’2 and 3/4 quarters, I’ve shrunk to 4’11” and 3/4 quarters. I’ve read that we lose 1/2″ for every decade of like, but they don’t say when that begins1

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Try an upside down table
    They stretch the compressed vertebrae out or allow them to decompress as space does in zero gravity
    99 bucks on amazon and they are great


  7. I keep reading about how all your cells are regenerated at different rates and that you get full body replacement every x-number of months or years. How hard would it be for the new parts to not come with the old problems? I want the gene that makes your replacement parts better than the replaced ones.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Just catching up. A day late. I will keep my curly hair – even if it drives me crazy some days. I wish I were less good at storing fat. Also would be nice to know that I could remove whatever gene might cause dementia. I saw what it did to my dad and what havoc it wreaks on those who suffer from it and those who have to care for them. Would be really nice to avoid that (right now I’m crossing my fingers that I will fall more to my mother’s side on that front…I got the gimpy gall bladder from her family, maybe I will get the better old-age brain, too…).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wish you, and all of us, good luck on that one, Anna. Currently watching two dear friends’ lives being devastated by different forms of dementia.

      One is a woman in her mid-seventies who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s three years ago. She had the presence of mind, at that time, to sit down and write a personal letter to her husband, her children, and each of her dear friends, knowing that the time was coming that she wouldn’t be able to coherently express herself. Heartbreaking.

      Ken, my friend with FTD, didn’t know what was happening to him, he couldn’t remember words, and tried to hide it. By the time his wife realized that something was drastically wrong, the degeneration of his brain had already robbed him of the ability to think straight. He was 63 when he was diagnosed. Not that anyone could have done anything about it, except perhaps have tried to spend some last precious quality time with him. He’s now 68, and no longer knows who anyone is. Devastating.


  9. I’d just like a gene that would make me smarter, or more attuned to what really should be obvious. There are so many times I think, well, I really should’ve seen that coming. But I didn’t. Whatever gene gives you perfect future vision. I want that one.

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