Faux Sacrifice

Today’s post comes from Barbara in Rivertown.

A few weeks ago I was laughing out loud at the following exchange on The Trail:



March 10, 2018 at 10:49 am

Another funny moment in my “annals of kindness” I often leave a loaf of bread hanging on the door of our next door neighbor when she comes home from teaching music all day. I left a loaf Thursday. I just found a note telling me very tactfully that she has given up bread for Lent. 🙂


March 10, 2018 at 12:41 pm

Guess she doesn’t want your wonderful bread to go to waste.


March 10, 2018 at 2:28 pm

If I was your neighbor, I would never give up bread for Lent.

Of course, I’ve never given up anything for Lent, but if I did, I would give up something like liver or blue cheese.


March 10, 2018 at 2:46 pm

Tut, tut, ljb, it’s supposed to be a sacrifice.


March 10, 2018 at 4:25 pm

how did you guess that it wasn’t?


March 11, 2018 at 9:56 am

Just a hunch.


Although Lent has already come and gone, if you were going to give up something for Lent that was a true sacrifice, what would it be (knowing that it was just for a few weeks)?

What would be your faux sacrifice alternative, like ljb’s liver or blue cheese?

26 thoughts on “Faux Sacrifice”

  1. i was a catholic school kid in the 60’s
    we used to put up a good effort to appear engaged by the challenges the church presented
    i learned latin for being an alter boy
    wore a uniform attended mass and seasonal celebrations took stuff like first communion penance confirmation lent etc in stride and tried to choose appropriate things to give up

    for fun we would give up stuff like pj liver offering

    giving up smoking and drinking at age 9 or 10 was quite noble giving up premarital sex at 11 , 12 was ok
    today i think meat alcohol tobacco speaking italian horseback riding and space travel were all successful offerings i gave up

    next year i plan on excluding plastic surgery procedures nra training all opioids and running for govonor from my life

    thanks bir i feel better

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Rise and Shine Baboons!

    I would be glad to give up the sinus infection that nailed me yesterday, just as I was getting over a cold. This morning I have no voice and a fully scheduled work day. How will that work?

    I would also give up the following:

    All news about #45’s Tweets and bad decisions
    Skunk spray
    Horehound candy
    Asparagus (unless grilled in olive oil and kosher salt)
    Trips to Russia and N Korea
    The diet required to lose 20 pounds
    Cooked, canned spinach

    I had such a busy day yesterday. When I read over the comments I saw Renee’s daughter is headed for Grad school in my field. Congrats Renee’s Daughter!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. PS, at this point in my life I am too old to sacrifice anything truly meaningful. I think advanced old age guarantees such sacrifices and I will let that process do it for me.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. March 30 was the day to commemorate St. Peter Regulatus. He lived from 1390 to 1456, and is notable for observing Lent 9 times a year. He is said to have lived on only bread and water. If Lent is 40 days, by my calculations that leaves only 5 days a year that he wasn’t giving something up.


    1. Maybe that has something to do with his name? He smacks of over-control!

      So not a role model for me. I am far from a hedonist, but 5 days a year when he does not give up something? That is not a life worth living, to paraphrase Marcia Linehan.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Honestly? It would be tough for me to go a few weeks without fresh vegetables and fruit. I’d probably have an easier time giving up meat, or wine.

    A faux sacrifice? Easy. I’d give up ice cream, candy and cookies, but please don’t take away my liver and blue cheese. It’s not that I don’t like ice cream, candy or cookies, but I eat them so rarely that it wouldn’t notice if a couple of months went by where I didn’t have any.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for the clarification on yesterdays post and related picture. I did look at the brush further back; I didn’t pay much attention to the middle bunch.
    On the PC, “Ctrl” and “+” will enlarge the screen. I did that to see a bigger version of the photo. Then “Control -” to shrink it again.

    Giving up: a true sacrafice would be giving up how often I check email or FB or just being on electronics.
    I’m doing better at work by not having FB just open on my computer all the time. That was a simple act that has saved me time.
    (So I just keep email and the trail windows open instead).

    I’m happy to give up brussel sprouts and liver. Out they go!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. My true sacrifice would probably be chocolate, especially the good stuff. And eggs – they are so versatile… And cheese. And butter.

    For faux sacrifice I could give up bread (since I’ve gotten used to living without it), licorice, canned veggies, and shoveling.


  7. Because I’m so angry at Facebook I’d like to cancel my affiliation with them. I want to show them that if they screw their customers we can retaliate. Alas, I’ve never belonged to Facebook, which limits my ability to retaliate.


  8. Only once have I given up anything for Lent. My boss is a fairly serious Lent observer so I’ve seen this up close for decades. So about 10 years ago I decided to give up sweet for Lent and to use the time to give some thoughtful consideration to the sacrifices made for me (mostly by my parents). I made it through but had such a sugar backlash (I don’t even want to try to catalog how much chocolate I ate in the few days after Easter), that I’ve never tried it again!

    Faux… liver could be on the list. Also dust bunnies.

    Liked by 1 person

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