Data Dump

Last week the Trail hit 7,000 followers.   This made me curious about some of our other current stats.

  • Overall # of views: 834,276
  • The most viewed posts are some of the oldest, written by our beloved leader Dale, however the fifth most-viewed is “Music: The Most Powerful Art Form” by our Chris.
  • The post with the most comments in the last four years is “Chores and the Great Depression” by our Jacque.
  • Top author is, of course, Dale, followed by Verily Sherrilee, Renee, Barbara in Rivertown and Northshorere (Clyde).
  • Recent top commenters are Barbara, Steve and Renee.
  • We have more activity on the Trail on Tuesday and Wednesdays. Our quietest day is Sunday.

But these are just numbers.

What do YOU think is noteworthy about the Trail? And if you have never commented before, this is your day – just a one word comment to add to our stats?




54 thoughts on “Data Dump”

  1. 7,000 – where are they??

    If a person landed here and wondered “what the hell?” – there are some paragraphs up under FAQ, written years ago by our original leader, that sort of explain how this thing got started. (The paragraph about goats is no longer relevant.) What amazes me about the Trail is how it keeps getting a new life – kind of like breathing, it waxes and wanes. People come and go; sometimes folks have to take a break for personal reasons, but many of them come back when they finally can, or at least chime in from time to time.

    Thanks to Sherrilee (VS) and Renee (clear out in western North Dakota, for pete’s sake) for stepping up and keeping us going when Dale had to “retire” from being the lead. It’s one of my daily pleasures, touches a part of my brain and heart that nothing else does. I don’t know what I would do without this little world at my fingertips.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. give me the thing with noteworthy about the trailer is this it never gets ugly
    ugly is simply not allowed and this is the one place on the planet where I have found that role to be true
    That’s why I’m here

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I even spell check that one before I hit the go button and it changed it after I hit the go button
      Happened yesterday too and maybe I just need to stop voice recording


  3. the thing that is noteworthy about the trail is that it never gets ugly

    i have stopped beginning my day with the news because i can’t stand it

    every day begins with shit everywhere but here

    only 5 more days of seeing the political saviors be lied about in 60 second attacks by outside money to preserve the regime that overthrew democracy 770 days ago and we discuss old age, music and food
    by the way wes that guy was the best dracula.

    thanks for being the calm in the storm
    the integrity in the den of thieves and the goal of remaining true when the new normal is so untrue

    this is my home

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I’m with you tim. I’m not watching the news much right now and I’ve stopped picking up phone calls on my landline from local numbers. Because it’s people telling me to vote. Oh I’m going to vote I’ll be there first thing Tuesday morning. But I don’t need to be reminded another 27 times between now and then.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. hey vs
    can you contact mig and ask if she want a 2005 honda accord hybrid parts car
    i’m done with it and need to find a new home
    mug or a tow truck for parts

    i need to get the 6 dylan cds it are in its cd player but then i’m ready


    1. Actually I already contacted her. I thought I had answered you a couple of weeks back. She is actually carless right now so does not need a parts car as their her old Honda is now gone.


  5. tim sums it up pretty well: It doesn’t get ugly here, on the contrary, it’s pretty darn nice. We agree on a lot of things and disagree on others, but the disagreements are civil and reasonable. I appreciate that because I seem to know too many people who think their way of thinking is the only right way and any differences of opinion are threatening. Since I think life is more interesting if not everyone is exactly the same, I enjoy the tolerance of differences here.

    Liked by 5 people

  6. I have never in my life thought of myself as a writer. A writer is someone like Steve, who writes beautifully for a living. I write psychological reports, but they are formulaic, for the most part. Writing for the blog has been so gratifying. My son has started to read the blog, and told me “Mom, I really like your writing”. That means a lot to me. It is sometimes stressful to have a daily post when it is my month, but the posts miraculously appear, somehow.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I don’t know how you and VS keep coming up with ideas for a blog, I sometimes have a hard time coming up with an answer. Both of your efforts, as well as those who contribute the occasional blog, are very much appreciated. Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Another thing about the Trail: the people here are as nice in person as they are here (if not nicer). The first time I went to book club, I was nervous. What if they don’t like me? What if I don’t like them? I soon found out my worries were unfounded.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The first Blevins meeting I attended (in Minnehaha Park) was interesting. I had previously been in two book clubs. Both had been dominated by arrogant men. We finally adopted a rule in those clubs: meetings would start with each of us offering our thoughts about the book, and nobody could interrupt. That totally turned things around, resulting in strong participation from everyone.

      At that first Blevins gathering, accordingly, I suggested we adopt the rule that had saved the two previous clubs I’d been in. Someone–I’m pretty sure it was Anna–said, “We won’t need that here.”

      I couldn’t let it go. I repeated my suggestion.

      Anna was equally sure of herself. “No, we’ll be fine without something like that.”

      I had a moment to assess the absurdity of my position. In my concern about men dominating the discussions I (a man) was insisting that the women in the group adopt a rule they were sure they didn’t need.

      I shut up.

      At the end of the meeting, I knew the obvious truth. “These women need NO help from me or my damn rule!”

      Liked by 4 people

        1. Your memory is spot-on. Which only highlights the irony of my desire to get my little rule accepted. If there were to be any male rudeness, I would have to be the one supplying, as I was the only guy at that picnic table!

          Liked by 1 person

        2. While I remember that you were the only guy at the table, I ad completely forgotren about the “let’s have rules” commentary. Which leads me to believe that it came and went and probably wasn’t as big an issue in the women’s minds and it was in the man’s mind.


  8. vs on today’s list is youngest i believe
    anna is a pup when she’s around
    joanne is between anna and vs maybe
    steve is oldest with clyde and everyone else is same very late 40’s range born in mid 1950’s
    renee is a little younger bir and pj and ljb a bit older oh and chris is younger also

    who am i leaving out?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Why thanks. I work for the State of ND, and we have this rule of 85, so that when your years of service and your age add up to 85, you can retire. I will reach that in 2.5 years.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Jacque, Linda, CrystalBay, Cynthia, and Occasional Caroline for starters. Actually, I think that Cynthia is older than Steve by about six months.


      1. But yeah, Wes is right, combined we have a lot of experiences to draw on. Would that the old adage that with age comes wisdom were true. I sometimes feel like all that accompanies it are aches and pains and less tolerance. I know I’m getting crankier by the day.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Don’t know where you are in this list, tim, but I’m pretty sure I’m the same age as you. Within a couple weeks.


    3. I’m always surprised at how old I really am. Does that count? I’m younger than some of you… but right in there with Anna and Mig I think. Maybe Chris is youngest?
      I was born in 1964.


  9. We had passport photos taken Saturday. I sure look aged in that photo without my glasses, which hide the bags and wrinkles under my eyes. The photo shows the whole unfortunate truth. We aren’t planning a trip but thought we should have current passports in case we ever want to make an impromptu trip to Canada.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Since I’ve tried to get others to comment before, I wasn’t surprised it didn’t work this time either. Of course having 7000 followers doesn’t mean they all read the blog every day…..

      Liked by 2 people

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