What Day Is It?

In December I picked up (on sale) the 2019 National Day Calendar: The Official, Authoritative Source for Fun, Unusual & Unique National Days. Thought it would be good for possible blog posts, but I’d kind of forgotten about it till now. I notice that March is full of them –  we’ve already missed:

– Read Across America Day – March 1, also called Dr. Seuss Day, and

– Fat Tuesday – March  5 – which was also Multiple Personality Day. (I wonder how you celebrate that?!)

However, we haven’t missed:

– International Women’s Day – March 8, of which you may be aware. And we know

– Pi Day – March 14 – is coming up next week, thanks to VS’ parties.

Here are more holiday highlights from the rest of March that you can still celebrate. I’ve found online explanations of how some of these “holidays” came to be. (I’m not taking time for details on all of these gems, so feel free to give us details on the ones I’ve neglected.)

 – Worship of Tools Day – March 11 ..“a day to go out into the garage, the tool shed, the storage closet or where ever it is you keep your tools. You can clean them, reorganize them, make something new with them or maybe go to the store and buy a new one.”

– Plant a Flower Day – March 12

– Good Samaritan Day – March 13

– Corned Beef & Cabbage Day – March 17   (not surprisingly)

– Awkward Moments Day – March 18

– Common Courtesy Day – March 21   (also French Bread Day)

– Near Miss Day – March 23 ..“an annual reminder of the day in 1989 when an asteroid nearly collided with the Earth.”

– Tolkien Reading Day – March 25 ..“organised by the Tolkien Society since 2003 to encourage fans to celebrate and promote the life and works of J.R.R. Tolkien by reading favourite passages.

– Joe Day – March 27  “Enjoy a cup of ‘joe’ with all of your friends named Joe, Jo, Josette, Joey, Joseph, Josephine, Johanna, Joann, Jodie or any variant of the name Joe every year”

– Take a Walk in the Park Day – March 30

What holiday do you wish we could celebrate? When on the calendar would you put it?

32 thoughts on “What Day Is It?”

    1. I have given some thought to the idea of making election day a holiday. I don’t think it would help voter turnout, though. The people who would get the day off are the people who have the least trouble voting as it is – those with regular 9 to 5 jobs. The people who have the most difficulty getting tot he polls are those with weird shift jobs, such as hospital and nursing home workers, people who work at airports, and restaurant workers. None of those would be likely to actually get a day off for a national holiday. In fact, a lot of the people who DID get the day off would think it would be a great opportunity to go out to lunch, so restaurants would schedule extra staff and give them longer shifts. Since a lot of those workers are low income, the problem of the wealthy having better opportunities to vote would be exacerbated.

      A better approach is to have more early voting. Everybody gets a day off at some point. Let them vote when they have a day off.

      Liked by 4 people

    2. I attended training yesterday on thew new electronic roster books. Ipads . Olmsted County is letting the townships test them for the Township elections on Tuesday. And then they’ll be used in the entire county for the 2020 elections.
      There is no wifi connection and it is not connected to the ballot counter in any way. Just rather than the paper roster book, it’s on iPad.
      Roster judges look up the persons name, make sure it’s the correct address and such, then in our county, it will print out a receipt they sign and a receipt to give to the ballot judge.

      I worked with a gentleman about 75 yrs old. He’s never used anything like this. He did alright except he had trouble finding the letters on the keyboard. I asked if regretted not taking that typing class in high school. he said he had taken typing in 10th grade but that was a long time ago!

      Liked by 4 people

    3. When I lived in Oregon I was surprised by all the ways Minnesota was better, particularly in anything to do with government. There was one glaring exception. All elections are done by mail in Oregon. I have encountered one credible assessment that argued Oregon’s voting system beats any other state’s voting process in terms of convenience and security.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Camelot
      Richard Burton, Franz Allers

      It’s true, it’s true, the crown has made it clear
      The climate must be perfect all the year

      A law was made a distant moon ago here
      July and August cannot be too hot
      And there’s a legal limit to the snow here in Camelot

      The winter is forbidden till December
      And exits March the second on the dot
      By order, summer lingers through September in Camelot

      Camelot: Camelot
      I know it sounds a bit bizarre
      But in Camelot: Camelot
      That’s how conditions are

      The rain may never fall till after sundown
      By eight, the morning fog must disappear
      In short, there’s simply not a more congenial spot
      For happily ever after in than here in Camelot

      Camelot: Camelot
      I know it gives a person pause
      But in Camelot: Camelot
      Those are the legal laws

      The snow may never slush upon the hillside
      By nine p.m. the moonlight must appear
      In short, there’s simply not a more congenial spot
      For happily ever after in than here in Camelot

      Songwriters: Alan Jay Lerner / Frederick Loewe
      Camelot lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc

      Liked by 4 people

        1. Got to see a Winona State production here a couple of years ago – I practically chimed in with them, as I had memorized parts of Monty Python and the Holy Grail when nephew Vin lived with us… fond memories.

          Liked by 2 people

  1. Everything I’ve come up with already has something –
    – National Get to Know Your Neighbors Day? – well, there’s National Night Out…
    – National Snow Shoveling Day – there have been plenty of days when most everything was cancelled… though probably not for everyone.

    Maybe a National Go-to-a-Museum Day?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Some facts to help anyone get educated. Usual participation in a mid-term election? Nationwide it is about 40%. Minnesota’s number for the recent mid-term? Sixty-four percent (best in the nation). Youth voters in recent years in MN: 21 percent. Youth voters in MN in the 2018 mid-term election: 40%. The 18-19 year old voters in that election hit a stunning 37%. That bodes extremely well for future elections in MN.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Thanks for letting us know about awkward moments day! Now on March 18th we can just say we’re celebrating every time we fall in public or wave to someone who doesn’t see us.


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