TV Time

While Husband and I were toiling away in Brookings laat weekend helping our son and daughter-in-law settle into their new home, our daughter and a friend were having an adventure in Hollywood.

In August, our daughter won two tickets to the filming of a Dr. Phil show. Airfare from Tacoma to Burbank was pretty cheap, both young women are single, both are social workers who think Dr. Phil is just awful, so what could be more fun than to go to California to the filming?

Daughter and I have been too busy this week for her to give me a full account of the trip. All I know is that the filming of the show took six hours, Dr. Phil doesn’t take a trauma informed approach to his interventions, and they got to meet a member of Motley Cru. She still thinks Dr. Phil is awful.

What TV show would you want to see filmed? What talk shows did like or not like growing up? What goofy adventures did you have as a young adult?

46 thoughts on “TV Time”

  1. I’ll start with the easy answer. We didn’t have TV when I was growing up, so I had no idea how magical or awful it could be.

    As to what TV show I’d like to see filmed, that’s a head-scratcher. Perhaps one of the old Dick Cavett talk shows would have been fun. Maybe The Late Show with Stephen Colbert? Can’t imagine ever finding myself in the audience of most daytime TV shows, even Jeopardy! which I watch faithfully. I’m glad to know, though, that your daughter thinks Dr. Phil is awful; I share that opinion.

    I have attended numerous Prairie Home Companion Shows and a couple of Michael Feldman’s Whad’Ya Know?. Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! would be fun as well.

    I’ll have to think about crazy adventures as a young adult. That’s so long ago it’s going to take some serious digging through the chaos of my memory archives.

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  2. We stream all of out television, none of it talk shows, and haven’t watched any network tv for at least five years, so I have no idea what is out there. I’ll take a cue from PJ though and say that I would have liked to be in the audience when Dick Cavett hosted Joe Venuti on his show. Joe was one of my early jazz violin heroes. I had tickets to see him at Orchestra Hall when he died.

    After high school, some of my peers backpacked in Europe. Neither I nor my parents had that kind of money. I worked. Robin, having finished high school in Japan and coming to the US for college (with a friend) took the Trans Siberian railway across Russia and then ventured through Europe.

    Since we married while still in college, most of my adventures have been with Robin. We drove, with a couple of friends, to Calgary for the Stampede, visited the Cowboy Hall of Fame, saw Wilf Carter and camped in Jasper.

    I drove once, with some fellow students, to Albuquerque for a photographic educator’s conference, presided over by Beaumont Newhall, at which some of our hero photographers were slated to appear.

    Any other adventures I might recall were closer to home.

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    1. Haven’t watched network TV or football since 1992 or so. Now no sports at all.
      Took our TV over for Sandy and now do not have cable. I can still stream on my computer or Ipad but not often. Been a month without cable. Now realize how often I turned it on just to fill space.
      I have never watch daytime TV except an odd moment here and there.
      My son’s entertainment production company a decade ago all went to the Price is Right. He loved watching the process. He has a way of plunging in. If he is going to do it, he is going to DO IT. I admire that. So he was a loud audience member. And he loves the host. What is his name? Drew Carey.
      We watched Carson on and off for about 15 years, usually to about 11. I remember when the show started at 10:15. Then Carson refused to start at that time. A wise decision I believe. Carson got so stale. So we watched very little in his last years. He was his best with plain folk characters. Not so much with stars.
      I suppose my goofy adventure was marrying a 25 year old woman when I was 20 after a 10 day courtship. And them marrying 7.5 weeks later.

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      1. Where did you meet Sandy? Was there a reason why you married so quickly? I married wasband in Greenland after a three week courtship. His tour of duty there was up, and he was being shipped back to the States. We were concerned that my one year in the Soviet Union would prevent me from getting a visa to come to the US. As you know, that marriage didn’t last.

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        1. Wrote answer. WP ate it. Too exhausted after day of doing battle with Chase Bank, with whom I have never done business but who report I have an account there in an incorrect name. Very hard to get them to deal with you when you don’t have an account number to gAin entry.
          Yes, I know fraud! But have been waiting for their fraud line to call me back since 8 a.m.


        2. Ok met at U hospital department of neurology when I got a lab tech job and she handled purchasing for dept. told this story too many times to repeat in detail. Had a date, very long story very short. 10 days later decided to get married 7.5 weeks later. 56 years and 89 days ago. Now every day she is upset when I leave her memory care place


        3. better than not having her know you were there

          i know it’s got to be very very hard but i am certain it will settle in and get easier

          if i can help moving stuff or doing and lifting i’d be able to come down for an afternoon and help

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  3. Watched very few talk shows. Johnny Carson might be my only regularly viewed. Never ever ever watched any Oprah, Dr Phil or Oz.
    Sometime I’d like to be in the audience for SNL.

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  4. When I was quite young, my mother would keep me up pretty late and let me watch Jack Paar and then Johnny Carson with her. She missed me when she was away all day teaching. I developed a tendency to sleep late because of this. I had a baby sitter who came to the house, so at didn’t need to get up. It was an adjustment when I finally started school and I had to get up earlier. Now I can barely stay up past 8:30 !

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  5. Rise and Shine Baboons,

    I was cured of the romance of live TV at a young age after being invited to be on a Sioux CIty, Iowa, Channel 9 children’s TV Show, Kids’ Corner with Canyon Kid sometime in elementary school. I was soooo excited about this. The reality was that Canyon Kid, who looked handsome and exciting on the show, was very short with layers of dark makeup over his pock-marked skin. He did not seem to like kids all that much. The lights were hot, Canyon’s make-up ran a little bit, and he had bad breath. Taping took forever. I never again wanted to be on live TV, especially Dr. Phil, who is pretty ineffective. In my opinion he reinforces all the wrong behavior with his attention, but then that is the behaviorist in me. Hmph.

    A friend and I tried hitchhiking in college. We hitched from the Iowa State campus to the mall. Some guy picked us up, but he drove past the mall entrance we always used to a different one and gave us about 30 seconds of terror before he dropped us off. And, we never hitched again. Too scary.

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    1. When I was kid, a man who went by the name of Professor Tribini, was a well known entertainer. He was Santa Claus at the Seamen Union’s annual Christmas party in Copenhagen that we attended a couple of times. He didn’t care for kids, either, which was obvious to us kids, but apparently escaped most of the parents.

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    2. I only hitchhiked twice. Both times when I was in high school and both times were during the middle of the day. Unbelievable as it may seem, my father rode by and saw me both times. One was understandable as he was on his way to meet a client and it was fairly close to his office The other was in a suburb where I wouldn’t have expected him to be during the day. But it certainly cured me of ever hitchhiking again. I’m fairly certain that if I hitchhiked tomorrow that my father would pick me, up, even though he’s been gone for almost 20 years

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  6. Depending on how you define “goofy adventures” I probably have some that qualify. What most immediately came to my mind, though I wasn’t exactly what you’d call a young adult at the time, was the time when I was an “extra” in a crowd scene of an ice hockey movie being filmed at the old Metrodome. On another occasion, also as a fully grown adult, I was part of a recording session at Paisley Park. Both were fun and so completely out of the realm where I normally operate.

    Probably the one adventure from my young adulthood that stands out as goofy, was my bike ride from Switzerland to Denmark, on a single speed bike with coaster brakes, when I was nineteen. Although it wasn’t the kind of thing that most people did, it didn’t strike me as particularly goofy at the time.

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      1. With all of the detours I took, about 1000 miles. I did a fair amount of backtracking. I stayed in youth hostels, and would discover that I had missed some interesting place that was only 60 miles away, so back I’d go. I rode roughly 60 miles a day, stayed a day or two in each place. This was, of course, before the internet, so I had done virtually no preparation in terms of research before I set off. The decision to ride my bike home was a spontaneous one, a response to a bet $5.00 bet that I couldn’t. I have yet to collect on that wager.

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      1. Jane (not the hitchhiking Jane (Or the cycling PJ)) has been trying to get me into the old folks home since I was 41,for senility. Nevertheless, I’m still a teenager.

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    1. I hate to tell you this, Fenton, but there are plenty of middle aged people who behave like adolescents. From my perspective, it’s especially common among men. This may or may not be borne out by statistics, but that’s my impression.

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  7. OT – Just got a message that Jerry Rau, a longtime stalwart of the local folk music scene, passed away at 3:45 AM this morning. Jerry had been ill for quite some time, and in a nursing home not far from where I live.


      1. Jerry was a dear, dear man. I’d be surprised if Bill didn’t encounter him during the time he worked in Dinky Town. For quite some time he was a fixture in Dinky Dale, and I always stopped to listen.

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  8. HI- Our TV is on a lot. Daughter watches movies; none of us watch too much network TV but we do a lot of movies or streaming shows.
    A lot of what I watch is PBS so that’s better, right?
    I miss the variety shows of the ’70’s. Carrol Burrnet, Smothers Brothers, Laugh-in. I remember Flip Wilson’s show and the Hudson Brothers. Those would have been fun to see.

    I was big on ‘Experience Adventures’ when I was younger. I had decided my life was boring.
    I climbed half way up one of the TV towers on our farm (140′. I was going to the top when I started… but that’s taller than It looks…)
    I’ve parachuted, I ate a 6 pack of ice cream drumsticks at once because a girlfriend told me I couldn’t.
    Sometimes still, you just gotta say ‘What the heck’ and go for it. Adventure is Out There!

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    1. You ate a six pack of ice cream drumsticks on a dare? And you’ve parachuted? You’re a brave man, Ben. Don’t think I could bring myself to parachute unless the plane was on fire or had lost an engine or something. I suppose you paid good money to do it, too?

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      1. So eating ice cream is a bigger deal than climbing the tower??
        Kelly, our son, and myself have all parachuted. It’s pretty cool. These were tandem jumps so we’re hooked to the guy who knows what he’s doing. Next time I want to free fall longer and float less. That almost got boring.


        1. Climbing the tower is the sort of thing that I might have attempted myself, therefore it doesn’t seem like such a big deal to me. Eating that much ice cream, however, I know would make me sick.


    2. Ice cream drumsticks? What the blanking bleep is that? Meanwhile, try eating twelve hard boiled eggs without a drink. Neil and I only had ten, so I ate them. Harder thanit might sound.

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        1. Ah, thanks. I did have visions of actual bits of chicken surrounded by God knows what. The real thing sounds like something a Devon boy could put away the odd dozen of.
          I think when I come for Ben’s scrap metal, we should arrange for a public contest, hard boiled eggs followed by these drumstick things.
          Course, if you’re scared, Ben………

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  9. I did have some British shows from the sixties I was going to mention, but it’s late again and I need to be up early. Another disjointed day, I’m working on it.

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  10. I can’t think of any goofy stuff I did as a young adult. Most of my goofy stuff I’ve done as I’ve gotten older and realized it’s my flippin’ life, I can do what I want with it. I will say however that many of my friends think that one of my goofiest was when I drove down to Saint Joseph to see the eclipse a few years back. But there were thousands of other people sitting in parking lots all over around Saint Joseph and THEY didn’t think it was goofy.

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  11. I wrote this report up just now while it is fresh in my mind for future battles with Chase Bank. Have to share it with someone, may as well by the night mice on the trail:

    My Communication with Chase Bank on 10/15/21

    At 9 a.m. I called the Chase Bank fraud phone number that my son acquired from Chase branch near him. Was told they were busy and if I left my number they would call me back. 11 hours later they had not.

    My son gave me another number to call, which I did at about 9:15 p.m. Got a person. Explained this issue:
    search by Blue Earth County finds reported online that I have an account with Chase with an incorrect name. They cannot complete medical assistance application for my wife until this is resolved. It has been hanging there for two weeks.

    Explained this to the man on the Chase line. He did search under my SSN and found it is a business using the number. He gave me to business department person. She did the search and said my SSN is an Employee Identification Number (EIN) and it is all a big coincidence. They cannot provide documentation of this, I am just supposed to explain to the county, and thus to the state, it is all a big coincidence. She refused to accept that they would not accept a verbal report, or we could arrange for someone there to explain it to the county. I insisted it had to be a written document. Or I could go to my branch, which I do not have, or the nearest one, which is up in the Cities. She said she would connect me to another department. A voice came on and said they were closed but to call back during regular business hours. Line went dead.

    Repeated the process, got to another person in business department. She entered SSN and got same result. I explained I would need documentation. She did not know how to do that. She thought that a SSN should never be an EIN. Maybe we could arrange a call where they gave a verbal explanation. I told her that was not going to fly with the state of MN or any other state I assumed. She said it fell under fraud and I should call them. I explained they had not called me back. She said she had another idea and that the phone would be dead briefly. After 6 minutes of a dead line I hung up.

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    1. Oh Clyde, you have my deepest sympathy. Can it really be true that you have to navigate all of this by yourself? Sounds like a damn nightmare.


    2. Finally got through to Chase fraud line. Got most bored voice I have ever heard. She listened to me for about 90 seconds when she said she was transferring me to someone else. Phone went dead and stayed dead.


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