
I’m not sure what I looked at online in November that caused “Build Your Own Stonehenge” to start popping up as side ads on my pc.  It looked cute and I already have a “Build Your Own Carcasonne” from a trip years ago.  Then I made the ultimate mistake – I clicked on the ad.  It was smaller than I thought and cheaper.  Both good things.

I put it on my list for the holidays, not expecting to get it; YA doesn’t always humor my eccentricities.  When I unwrapped it on Solstice, I’d kind of forgotten about it, to tell the truth.  It was much easier to put together than I had expected; all the standing stones and bluestones had numbers on the bottom that corresponded to marks on the earthwork piece.  (I had a layout of Stonehenge pulled up on the internet in case I had to figure it out myself.) After I laid it out once, I hot glued everything down.  I think it’s adorable; YA isn’t impressed.  It’s living in my studio now, next to my miniature castle.  I wonder what other “build your own” project will attract my attention next.

Have you ever built a model of anything?

44 thoughts on “Stonehenge-ette”

    1. No, it’s a little tiny block castle that I glued all the parts together with some towers and turrets. But I bought it at Carcassonne, which is why I’ve always called it that.

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  1. The theological college in Taiwan where I spent my final 14 years there had been around since the 1870s. Buildings had come and gone, and in various obscure corners on campus there were long stone pieces that had once been stairs. I thought that those which had been benches and others that were merely laying around could be set on end in the quad to be sort of like Stonehenge. I never mentioned this to anyone in authority for a couple reasons: 1) I would have been given permission if I did the work myself; and 2) someone might have objected that a Presbyterian school was no place for a replica of a pagan shrine.
    Now I’m long gone from there, and the campus is being refurbished. Those stones are probably already in the construction debris heap.

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    1. Each year at Easter I have a satisfying chuckle when I see the Easter Bunny, that venerable pagan symbol of fertility, hopping around the grounds of Protestant churches. I was raised in Midwest Protestant churches which were populated by the descendants of Puritans and Quakers who were all pretty phobic about sexual activity. Puritan Sexuality belongs in the same category as Military Intelligence, so when the Easter Bunny appears the juxtaposition is hilarious.

      Liked by 7 people

  2. Rise and Shine, Baboons,

    I vaguely remember helping my little brother make some models he received as gifts, but neither one of us was into that level of detail. Plus someone would often leave the cap off the glue tube which immediately ended that project. I think I was not that interested.

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  3. I was into model building big time as a kid. Started with cars, then went to planes and naval ships. My crowning glory was building the USS Constitution sailing ship from the American Revolutionary Era. Talk about details. All the rigging, the ropes, the ratlines, yard arms, cannon, jolly boats and cutters. Took months, and I inhaled a lot of model glue. I don’t think it caused long term issues, but one never knows. I sure didn’t sniff it to get high–that stuff was nasty! 🙂

    Chris in Owatonna

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  4. In a way, sewing from a pattern is akin to putting together a model structure, just with a flexible fabric instead of something rigid. Sometimes those instructions were baffling, and it was a minor miracle if they turned out right.

    I helped Joel put together lego structures from diagrams – this would be something like a model, but you could take it apart… I particularly remember the Castle.

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  5. Stonehenge is an important wonder to build when you’re going for a religion victory in the game Civilization 6. My Wesley (No, not Methodist!) Faith has conquered the world twice.

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        1. Absolutely. I’m feeling very virtuous today because last night I managed to put together the new bathroom shower caddy with a tension rod.

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  6. Aside from the typical model cars and airplanes assembled in my youth, I was going to comment that I couldn’t remember building models of anything.

    But then I remembered that, in the 1980s, Robin and I had a cottage industry making certain props for professional photography studios.

    This was before Photoshop enabled digital alteration of photographs, where images from disparate sources could be seamlessly meshed.

    Our specialty was small seasonal fruit. It wasn’t assembled so much as it was cast, in wax or in polyester resin, and painstakingly hand finished. Our specialties were strawberries, cherries, blueberries and raspberries but I also produced special orders of apricots, peach slices, lima beans in the pod and acerola cherries. I also made an insert for the round Weber grill that convincingly simulated a bed of glowing briquets. At the high point of our business, we were shipping our products both nationally and to Canada and Mexico and locally renting our items on a weekly basis.

    I also built/cast other non-fruit props on occasion.

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    1. I’m starting to wonder if you and Robin are aliens from another planet who’s been alive for 200+ years. The number of things that you’ve done over the course of a lifetime, how have you fit it all in?

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  7. When I was 12, a Bill Cosby routine inspired me to build a model of Noah’s Ark using popsicle sticks. One side was left open so as to see the plastic animals . Using the description in Genesis rather than the typical representations, made construction pretty straightforward. No prow. No keel. No sails. No outside decks. Just a rectangular box. It was destroyed in one of the frequent Red River floods.

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  8. YA did a model of the Globe Theater with popsicle sticks when she was in school. She was pretty clear she didn’t want my help. I know I have pictures somewhere I’ll have to find them.

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  9. I’m a little surprised no one’s posted this yet.
    (The problem was he wanted a model 18’ tall but he marked it 18”. Consequently they hired smaller people to make it look bigger.

    I did LEGO bricks, I did model airplanes, my cousin David and I created our own models from left over parts.
    Now I make models my stage sets. They’re not totally finished and painted as designers do, but making the model does really help with the construction and for the director and actors to understand what’s what. Except one guy who has no abstract spacial comprehension so he’ll put 6 people in a 4×4 foot area unless I give him model people too. We joke the set would be a lot easier if it really was only that big. (I’m doing 1’ = 1” scale)

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  10. David St. Hubbins: I do not, for one, think that the problem was that the band was down. I think that the problem *may* have been, that there was a Stonehenge monument on the stage that was in danger of being *crushed* by a *dwarf*.
    Alright? That tended to understate the hugeness of the object.
    lan Faith: I really think you’re just making much too big a thing out of it.
    Derek Smalls: Making a big thing out of it would have been a good idea.

    lan Faith: Nigel gave me a drawing that said 18 inches. Now, whether or not he knows the difference between feet and inches is not my problem. I do what I’m told.
    David St. Hubbins: But you’re not as confused as him are you. I mean, it’s not your job to be as confused as Nigel.

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    1. Oh my god! I’m fascinated.

      While I’ve heard the name Spinal Tap used in conjunction with a band, I knew absolutely nothing about them. I had no idea that I’ve been missing out on what sound like some major fun. Thanks, Ben, for ending me down this rabbit hole.

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