
Today’s post comes from Renee in North Dakota.

North Dakota is noted for honest elections and ease of voting.  You don’t need to register, and all you need in order to vote on Election day are one of the following:

  • ND Driver’s license
  • ND non-driver’s license ID
  • Tribal ID
  • Long-Term Care Certificate (only valid if you don’t have a driver’s license, non-driver’s ID, or tribal ID)
  • Passport or military ID (only valid for voters in the military or living outside the US who don’t have a driver’s license, non-driver’s ID, or tribal ID)

If you don’t have ID, you’ll need to sign a sworn statement at the polling place swearing to your identity in order to vote.

I look at the latter option with some amusement, as many of the DAPL protesters have been in the state long enough to vote, and indicate that they intend to vote. The ND Secretary of State indicates he is prepared for an increase in voters who will need to sign statements as to their identity when they vote in the very rural counties when the protesters are encamped. I wonder how they will influence the votes for local offices? Our Secretary of State is an old guy who has been in office since 1993 and who embodies the best of the best in civil servants. He follows the election rules and makes sure that everyone who wants to vote, and who can vote, is able to vote.

I voted for the first time in 1976 in with an absentee ballot from home. I did the same in 1980 and 1984 when I was living in Winnipeg. For some reason, I had to go to the US Embassy and fill out my ballots in front of Embassy staff. My Canadian friends were very insistent that I make the effort to vote, as though my vote would somehow remove Ronald Reagan from office. I did what I could, but I didn’t have as much influence as they imagined I did.

Daughter asked me to find out how she could get an absentee ballot for the November election. She seemed to think I could just go and pick one up for her. I found the Stark County web site she needed to order one, and she assures me she will vote. Son and DIL are registered in SD, and will vote, too.

My paternal grandfather told me that he voted for Warren Harding the first time he could vote. He also told me he never forgave himself for that, and voted for Democrats from then on.

Husband will vote before he travels to the reservation on Election Tuesday. I will sneak away from work sometime during the day to vote.  I don’t plan to listen to election results, but will turn on NPR in the morning to hear the results. I won’t be able to stand the suspense.

What are your Election Day plans?  


103 thoughts on “Voting”

  1. Husband & I will be voting today at out county court house. Election Day we will be in Arizona…spending 6 mo. there to see if it helps my arthritis. We already know it will help husband-no snow to shovel & golf!

    I keep saying I’ve read enough etc. and am so tired of the scare tactics with untruths shouted…but I find myself looking at the morning headlines and reading parts if not all of the articles with the latest scandal or sensationalism.

    We go to daughters this Thursday (en route)so I will have a break from politics to enjoy the grandkids, their activities and spend time just visiting.

    Yet my iPad always holds the temptation to check news. I follow MPR, NY Times and Washington Post with some Hufington Post in there….then I hit the cooking articles or Nationl Geogrqphic to get my mind settled.
    I’m quite sure I’ll be watching election night results….iPad games in hand…and husband will be sound asleep.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. WI has a new law which won’t even accept a birth certificate alone. It’s cut hours for obtaining an ID to so few, working folks can’t get there. They’ve cut off Sunday voting and locations to the DMV to further from urban areas. There hasn’t been a fraudulent vote there in five years.

        And so it goes. In three weeks, it’ll all be over. I fully expect that racism will be transitioned to sexism at that point. Still, I’ll be relieved of my obsession with following and opinionating on this unbelievable campaign season. I went for 15 months feeling increasingly demoralized by this, now, in the 16th month, I’m sitting back and enjoyed watching this train wreck.

        I’m an election judge, so I’ll make sure there aren’t any people voting ten times

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Let’s all thank Renee for giving us a fresh issue to chew on!

    In case anyone else shares my ignorance, “DAPL protesters” are those folks protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline. I’ve heard of the protest but not the acronym for the project. So I looked it up.

    Election Day is different here. Oregon voters have already received a printed voter guide that discusses candidates and includes pro and con arguments for all contested propositions. This state, alas, has initiative and referendum. The voter guide is the size of a 136-page magazine.

    Voters will soon receive ballots to be filled out and mailed back to be counted. Thus I’ll not be queuing up to vote in some church basement this year, emerging feeling virtuous and sporting a little I VOTED sticker.

    Although I’d like to be with loved ones when the results roll in, that would not be prudent. My son-in-law has strong feelings about politics. He is highly skeptical of all political parties (think Howard Zinn) and inclined to see conspiracies. My daughter’s prudent rule is that we just don’t talk politics. So I’ll probably spend the evening alone with my TV, radio and computer. I’ll have a large box of wine in the fridge. Wednesday morning I am likely to wake up with one hangover or (god help us) two.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. do they have physical polling places you could go hang out at or a local dem office where you cold go celebrate with other victorious heros. maybe you could take liam to a spot where politics is not as toxic as at home and explain to him why his father is wrong wrong wrong. cmon grandpa lets party


  3. Morning all. My first presidential vote was cast in the 1976 election; I voted for Eugene McCarthy. I always vote since I figure that voting ensures my right to kvetch and whine about government and politics.

    I’m a morning voter so usually up a bit earlier than usual but other than stopping at the polling place on the way to work, not much change in routine. I do like to wear the “I Voted” sticker all day to remind folks.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Tuesday night – I’ll be home. YA will be at work so I’ll be dogsitting. I usually don’t watch returns (it gives me acid stomach) but I’m not sure I’ll be able to stay away this year.

      By the way, Steve – did you check today?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 1/2 tsp of baking soda swished in 1 cup of cold water fixes acid stomach. it doesnt make the world a better place but it makes acid stomach go away


  4. Being an Ohio resident, I know how important my votes can be. I have spent the past year mapping out my strategery to commit in-person voter fraud 1,622 times on Election Day. It has been a challenge getting the costumes, the fake identity papers and polling locations down pat. I have learned how to change clothes while driving, the value of high quality printers and the glitches in Google Maps. I am ready. After I have committed these crimes, I shall be at home alone watching the returns. I am particularly interested in the results in Kentucky, as I will have voted in many jurisdictions across the river from Cincinnati. If they go “Red”, I am going to be screaming, “Voter Frog! Voter Frog!” It was rigged! Rigged!”

    Liked by 8 people

  5. the new voting location is at the fire station on the corner. easy peasy. i went there for an election already so i know im set. my wife and son will head to the corner that day too. daughter and other son will figure it out their deals. son in reno is voting absentee i think. he is concerned he is living there and voting here or vice versa and doest want to go to jail. I told him to do an absentee or change his drivers licence car registration and car insurance to nevada and then back again or just get the absentee ballot. daughter is the responsible type who will get to the poll. her husband is a muslim who doesnt think this is one bit funny.
    i was surprised to learn that even though he is married to her for 3 or 4 years and has all the paperwork good for the citizenship end of the equation he is not elegible to vote.
    i used to be more involved in the local senate district and wold go to the evening party at a local meet spot and cry with the dems who got their butts handed to tem in edem prairie. now i live in an area recently reclaimed by the dems from a former red zone but the leadership in the district is a sad group of power mongers who want to be king of the hill rtather than the sharer of the torch. i am hopefl but not optimistic that anything will be resolved soon. politics is a power mongers world and as long as ego and backbiting is the mode of choice it will be a sorry world to watch. i cold never participate. i tried and i discovered i am very unhappy in that arena. nice people who want to make a difference dont stand a chance against the bully bosses who drive the cause.
    i will be hanging oyut at home waiting for the news to come in. i’ll bet the fraud allegations will hold up results being verified for a month or two and wikileaks wil come out with documents showing how hillary has done things that are not true. i am a non believer in the worst form of government there is … except for all the others

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I will proudly vote for Johnson/Weld and sleep like a baby that night. I can wait for all the “lesser-of-two-evil” addicts to come to their senses and start voting for true leaders instead of the puppets the Demopubs cram down the public’s throats every four years. As long as the Big Two are the only game in town, nothing will change for the better.

    Chris in Owatonna

    Liked by 2 people

    1. i really shoud ask

      the probelm with the two puppets is what? i have my own opinion obviously and i can make my own case for donald but i dont get the hillary objections.
      jim is a little upset that she kills people and i understand thats an issue for him. i tend to see it another way.
      whats your deal chris? benghazi? emails? wall street cronyism? i had to say i love wild bill while he was in office and that the stuff people got upset with him about they would get upset with me about too if i were in his place making the same decisions . im not that familiar with hillaries perspective on all the issues but i fell like i have a general vibe. you too i gather.
      puppet? i dont get it??


      1. I just think the country has been in control of two families (Bush and Clinton) for far too long (Almost 30 years if one considers Obama to be “Clinton Lite.”) Not healthy for a representative republic to be dominated by such a small group of people.

        Hilary is certainly far more qualified to be President than Obama was (Seriously– a couple of years as a Senator doesn’t qualify anyone to be POTUS no matter how polished a speaker one is.).And a woman president can’t be elected soon enough. I guess my reservations about her encompass “all of the above” you mentioned. Those years going back to 1992 make her an insider’s insider, which leads me to believe no substantive POSITIVE changes will be made in this country during a Clinton presidency. All I see is more wallowing in the mire that we seem to be stuck in globally and economically.

        Chris in Owatonna


      1. I’m all for ranked-choice voting. I respectfully disagree about voting for a third-party candidate not changing anything. Third parties face huge obstacles in gaining legitimacy, so they need time to grow slowly to where they’re large enough to get noticed and included in debates, etc.

        There is a huge bias against any party outside the Big Two mainly due to media coverage and intentional marginalizing of third parties by the Dems and Repubs. Plus, if we “lost cause” voters don’t support our party consistently, how will others know that it’s becoming a viable alternative? Our voting populace will not all of a sudden abandon their party for a third party unless the core members of the 3rd party continually vote for their candidates and show the country that a sizable minority of voters are making a third choice. But it’s definitely a slow, arduous task. I will never think of my vote as wasted

        Chris in Owatonna


        1. I’d be more satisfied with the current electoral process if minor parties could “grow slowly”. But generally speaking, they don’t. A third party will occasionally put forth a candidate that does well – a Ross Perot or Jesse Ventura or Ralph Nader or Ron Paul – but then a lesser known candidate runs the next time around and the support for that party collapses. People don’t vote consistently for a party they believe in, because it becomes more important to use their vote to keep one or the other of the major party candidates out of office.

          The minor parties will never get a foothold until ranked choice voting is adopted as the national standard.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Agreed on ranked choice. I think the better if slower long term strategy for any 3rd party is to build itself up from the local level. That may mean totally ignoring national politics for a few election cycles.

          Chris in O-town


  7. I will probably stroll down to my latest polling place (I think we have had 6 in the 17 years I have lived here) around 9:30 when the morning rush is done. If there is a line, I will get coffee for a bit to wait it out (might as well enjoy that pork of working from home). Or I will get coffee after and hang out with the rest of the lefties for awhile.

    We will probably watch the returns on PBS with our laptops open to Politifact and FiveThirtyEight, just like we watched the conventions and debates. We can log in here too.

    The s&h is missing voting in this election by a matter of weeks, which rankles, I can tell you. He is taking a PoliSci class at the U and seems to be enjoying that.

    In other news, he got his application sent to the U yesterday, so that process has started (he has a list, but the U is a very easy app, so I told him to just crank it out).

    He is also (last I looked) ranked in the top ten in the state for cross country with a PR of 16:12 on the 5K, for those of you who like numbers. He put in 600 miles this summer.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. i love cross country. keep me informed as to his meets. i could care less about cross country meets but cross country… whole nother deal

      i loved next door to a golf course and discovered i had the secret entrance to the cross country entrance in the corner of my backyard. i went out an bought some skis and learned the sport. i had the wood that you had to wax so i paid attention to the temperatures and conditions. i decided to experiment and discover the perfect temp once i figured out how layered i wanted to be, with the skis and wax taken care of i found the right layer combo and began the mission to discover that 0 was too hot. a windbreaker and a pair of thin long underwear with a thin thin t shirt beneath the windbreaker and a thin layer or no layer over the longunderwear (polypropelene came about later)
      it turned out that -10 degrees was the right temp and on those 10 or 15 nights a year possible i always made it a point to ge tout and enjoy the perfect weather. i loved the fct that i had discovered that -10 was perfect temp for an activity i loved.

      now i live next to the richardson nature center and i really a looking forward to getting my exercise over there this winter.
      heres hoping for snow in a measurable amount early and long this year. .


  8. I live in a small township where the voting is at the local volunteer fire station. Since I vote regularly, my name is “in the book” and I often know (and they know me) at least one of the election judges. I will stop by on my way to a haircut and probably the fitness center to work out my fears and frustrations. I do not watch results, but may check in to the computer from time to time in between a netflix film and sleep.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Other than the obvious activity – voting – I have nothing planned. I’m not much of a drinker, but i might have to make an exception that night. Or maybe I’ll head off somewhere with my camera and delay thinking or hearing about the election results as long as possible.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. My father told me about the political “clubs” he saw in England when he was there during the Second World War. He was an honorary member of the Romsey Town Labour Club in Cambridge, hotbed of Labour politics where Railroad pensioners gathered for meager help and support. I think such clubs welcomed GI’s as part of the war effort. Dad would give them his aircorp issue cigarettes and chocolate (he didn’t smoke). I bet a club like that would be a good place to spend an election night.

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  11. I will be registering voters from dawn till disk. When I get home I’ll turn on the radio or TV to see how things are going. I’m optimistic that the election will be called for my candidate early. But I will probably stay up late anyway to see what kind of fireworks ensue. This election has been so peculiar that anything might happen.

    The absentee ballot is a rather interesting wrinkle in the whole question of voter fraud. All the laws that have been in the news and in the courts are aimed at preventing voter impersonation. That’s the kind of voter fraud that almost never happens. There hasn’t been much talk about voter fraud through the selling of absentee ballots, which may become more common as state’s rules are being relaxed. (Renee’s experience of having to have a U.S. official witness her vote was likely to prevent this sort of fraud.)

    There is an excellent article in The Atlantic Monthly about the issue. It’s four years old, but it still holds true.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. The first time I voted was for McGovern in 1972, if memory serves. How disappointing. Next election I’d like to learn how to help staff the polling place.

    I am stealing slilyss’ second paragraph to describe the current state of affairs: “I keep saying I’ve read enough etc. and am so tired of the scare tactics with untruths shouted…but I find myself looking at the morning headlines and reading parts if not all of the articles with the latest scandal or sensationalism. ”

    I will join others of you who have plenty of wine on hand that evening – I don’t usually stay up very late for returns, but nothing about this election is normal. I like the idea of checking in here with other baboons.

    Liked by 3 people

  13. I will likely vote on my way into work once Darling Daughter is packed on her way to school. I will, no doubt, recognize some of my election judges because my neighborhood is a lot like a small town squeezed into a corner of the city. Then I shall have all day at work to be distracted by workish things…and, if it looks bad, I can stop at the liquor store behind my house and stock up on…things. I’m sure there will be at least a glass or two of wine consumed. Or perhaps I will drown my anxieties in chocolate ice cream. Husband voted absentee already (I had to sign off on having seen his empty ballot, his completed ballot and probably promised our guinea pig as collateral if the election goes south). I like the festiveness and conviviality if voting in person – though perhaps that is, in part, because I live in a fairly uncontested slice of geography that also tends to be populated by “salt of the earth” kinds of folk.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. So, I spent today a in hotel in Bloomington watching on-line a 3 hour course on ethics in psychology, and then took a test on the material as part of my continuing education requirements for licensure. Shouldn’t candidates for office have to do something like that every month they are running for office?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. i sat in on a couple of rt rybeks get togethers and the conspiracy theory people and the folks with concerns about neighborhood issues kept him grounded and patient. i was impressed. i have been to some discussion where the candidate recites the 30 second canned response to the issue of the day. talking heads are we but i think the overall job description requires the masses get met up with.
      state employees however should be tested weekly to make sure they are not screwing off. i am certain renee is the model representative but she could point to all the people who are showing up for another day to get the last little bit out of the way before retirement.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. By and large I find my State coworkers to be dedicated and very hard working. I can only speak for the Dept. Of Human Services, of course, although the highway folks and the NDSU extension people who are helping husband with his ailing hops are pretty dedicated, too.

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  15. OT Here is an odd news item for you folks to chew over. A black pedestrian was walking on the margins of a street because a construction project blocked the sidewalk. A white cop came along and got so aggressive with him that a bystander filmed the encounter. The bystander claims the cop was hostile and confrontational without provocation.

    And here is what is odd. That story is prominent on the Washington Post’s web newspaper. The town where this happened: Edina. And the StarTribune hasn’t mentioned it.


      1. front page stuff today
        the people of the protest on the corner of 50th & france in edina are the lead story on the news today.
        edina is such an ugly police department. they think their poop doesnt stink


  16. I’m an election judge for the second time. I just sit there and write a number on the voter’s permission slip, stick it on a spindle, then hand them the voting packet and point to a booth. Real complicated, I know.

    In 2012, I volunteered for the 2-8 shift, not realizing that when 8 came, I’d have to spend another 2 hours packing up stuff and counting other stuff. I only wanted to be home watching the election returns as they rolled in! This year, I signed up for the 6AM -2PM shift.

    I’m really not knowing what I’ll do with all my time after Nov 8 having spent hours each day hawking stats, reading articles on numerous online sites, researching fact, and submitting countless opinions on three different site. I’ve become obsessed with all of this, then POOF, it’s all over.

    I’ve already begun the grieving process of losing Obama and Michelle.


    1. Well, I would describe it as being around a bunch of “Red Tories”, conservatves with a hidden socialist streak. They are sort of contradictory. People here are polite.


      1. A couple of my relationships will never be the same because their values stymy my sensibilities. For the life of me, I can’t accept that anyone would vote for a man who’s the antithesis of American values, human empathy, or conscience. I really can’t.


        1. It is difficult. I have a relative by marriage who I’m pretty sure is not going to vote for That Terrible Man, but his parents and siblings are all going to vote for him. And, yes, I do have some interactions with them, and while I’m not going to never speak with them again or anything like that, I think it will affect how I feel about them and make me guarded in how I talk with them


    2. a lot like residing in a red community. minnetonka , wayzata,
      i really disliked eden prairie and the red ratio. it doesnt tell you everything about your neighbor but it tells you enough to start the relationship with.


  17. OT: My mom’s been in the hospital after a fall, and is now at St. Anne’s Extended Care, adjoining her usual residence. I may not be on the blog as often for a while, but will check in when I can. Will hopefully have a guest post one of these days.

    Planning to watch Poldark (PBS) tonight in lieu of “debate”, and then catch the analysis post-“debate” to see what I missed.


    1. Sorry to hear the news BiR. I’m assuming complications from the broken arm you mentioned?

      I went to choir last night and was very happy to not have to even THINK about watching!


    2. Good luck to you and your mom, BiR.

      We no longer have to worry about the “debates.” It seems we don’t really have to worry about the election.

      It’s what happens after the vote that worries me now. Speaking for myself, this has been a difficult summer and early fall.


    3. I’m sorry that you have to endure this very old age process. I’ve wondered how I could handle very aged parents’ needs. I have a few friend whose parent lived into his/her 90s and can’t imagine being an aging person myself having to care for someone even older

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve tried logging in twice and keep getting this message that I’m not logged in. In the meantime, I come up anonymous


  18. Hi kids–
    MEA weekend and while I’m at work it’s fairly quiet without the students around.So that’s nice. And I’m shirking my work and writing on the blog. Surprise!

    I will also be working as an election judge. As CynthiainMahtowa says, in our Township we know most people. I learned many of the people from our clerk, Jerome, who for years worked the registry book. And as people came in the door he would say loudly, ‘Well, Mr and Mrs Smith’ so we all learned who they were. I work the book often now and if Jerome is there he’ll still greet them as they come in so I can look them up. Obviously that doesn’t work so well when there’s a crowd.
    We have one resident who is a Canadian Citizen. She’s already asked if she can vote in this election. Which she should know as she’s asked in the last two elections why she can’t vote. And she’s lived here for 20 years I was told. Honestly lady, if you want to vote, go get a dual citizenship, right?

    A few years ago, we closed the polls at 8:00. We always check the parking lot and it was empty. We turned off the machine and started cleaning up. At 8:02 a man came in demanding to vote.
    He was very upset when we wouldn’t let him. Sir, you had 13 hours to vote and I’m sorry, but the polls close at 8PM and you weren’t here. And then he accused me of laughing at him. I said I was smiling to be pleasant, I wasn’t laughing at him. He left in a huff.
    I do not have to be head judge this time, Thank you very much. It is very exciting to see the paper tape come out of the machine and see our local results. Rochester / Olmsted county tends to vote Republican… I’m curious to see if that trend continues…

    I do enjoy visiting with the neighbors. I kinda like taking the ballots and supplies down to ‘headquarters’ and feeling the excitement and energy in there. Although it’s changed as we used to return items to city Hall and they had the big screen and all the potential local candidates were standing around. And we got cookies. 🙂
    But now they’ve changed the set up and we return things to a different building and they electronically send the results to City Hall. We still get cookies but it’s just not the same…
    It will be a long day.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Where I am, we used to bring the results down to city hall. Then for a few years we hooked up the machine to a phone line at the end of the day and transmitted results. Then they decided the phone connection could be a security risk, so now we bring the results to city hall again. Full circle.

      We usually get a nice dinner from the Loaves & Fishes folks.

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Morning all. Nothing new to report but I thought I would share this poem from Writer’s Alamanac this morning – I just liked it a lot for some reason:

    What if you slept….

    What if you slept
    And what if
    In your sleep
    You dreamed
    And what if
    In your dream
    You went to heaven
    And there plucked a strange and beautiful flower
    And what if
    When you awoke
    You had that flower in your hand
    Ah, what then?

    Samuel Taylor Coleridge


    1. Yeah… I should have turned the heat on… but I didn’t yet. At home.
      It’s been turned on in a few places here at the shop. And I did turn off the office fan…. I really want to open the shop door as I really value being able to see outside. And Since I’m still in my sleeveless shirt, having the door open will cause me to work harder.

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  20. I’m not dreading Election night. It will mark the end of the ugliest election season in US history. And the dragon will be slain. A man who thinks the most useful way to divide the world is into “Winners and Losers” is going to become the Biggest Loser in US presidential history. We know that already. What we can’t predict now are the exact numbers and side stories. Control of the Senate is likely to go to the Democrats. Control of the highly gerrymandered House probably will not, but could. Another drama to watch is how the dragon deals with becoming a Loser. I do dread that part of the evening, but it will be interesting.

    I hope most Baboons will be with family and friends. I’ll be here, checking in from time to time, typing as well as the wine permits.


    1. I’m pretty confident we’ll take back the Senate, but not until 2020 is there much of a chance for the House because of gerrymandering. What worries me the most is McCain’s recent promise that the Supreme Court seat will remain unfilled even past the election. Indefinitely. The Get Obama Party has done the unprecedented move of rendering one branch of the government impotent. I just read that, even if we get the Senate back, it’ll require 60 votes to confirm, and 51 up or down after that.

      Since racism is soon to transition into sexism, and Hillary’s hated as much if not more than Obama, gridlock will remain the new normal. We’ve already endured 8 years of a right wing “block anything Obama wants” strategy, I’m afraid the same thing will happen to Hillary, especially with the high court.

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  21. Woo hoo, Baboons! Waiting in the Seattle airport to board our plane back to Mpls. Finished with all the continuing education credits I needed by Nov. 1, finished a power point presentation for Monday. Now I can focus on a guest post for Monday.


  22. Oh – wait! There are a couple of Vikings stories – maybe I’ll go for that after November 6th. Yesterday, for my daughter’s 51st. birthday, my sons and I gave her two tickets to a game. They paid for hers; I paid for mine. Sticker shock was huge. Even the nosebleed section costs up to $300. I cursored around the stadium diagram and found two only 17 rows up from the field at the 30-yard line. A few seats down from these two seats were going for $1000 per ticket, so I felt like I got a real deal on the ones I bought. She was thrilled and I couldn’t be more excited. She and I always wear full costume: feather boas, face paint, Vikings horns, and purple wigs. Yesterday, I even bought a purple coat – just for this one game. Obviously, I get a bit carried away, but we haven’t been to a game in 15 years. At these prices, it will likely be our last.


    1. Oh – wait! There are a couple of Vikings stories – maybe I’ll go for that after November 6th. Yesterday, for my daughter’s 51st. birthday, my sons and I gave her two tickets to a game. They paid for hers; I paid for mine. Sticker shock was huge. Even the nosebleed section costs up to $300. I cursored around the stadium diagram and found two only 17 rows up from the field at the 30-yard line. A few seats down from these two seats were going for $1000 per ticket, so I felt like I got a real deal on the ones I bought. She was thrilled and I couldn’t be more excited. She and I always wear full costume: feather boas, face paint, Vikings horns, and purple wigs. Yesterday, I even bought a purple coat – just for this one game. Obviously, I get a bit carried away, but we haven’t been to a game in 15 years. At these prices, it will likely be our last.


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