BVM Appears in South Minneapolis. “Watch Your Back,” She Warns.

Today’s post comes from Bill in MPLS

In the most significant and, needless to say, dramatic manifestation since Lourdes, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared this week in a Minneapolis neighborhood, her first stop on a nationwide tour.

“This really blows,” she announced with palpable agitation. “I hoped we were making progress, but now it’s getting ugly again.”

Have you seen her? What was her message to you?


64 thoughts on “BVM Appears in South Minneapolis. “Watch Your Back,” She Warns.”

      1. During a drought in posts, Tim suggested that perhaps we could try limiting our posts to 50 words to make the task of composing them less formidable. Many of us expressed resistance, for various reasons, but here we are. This was just a combination of picture and message that 50 words fit nicely.

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        1. om the one hand it is a stimulating idea that offers a challange , on the other it is a vehicle to get you writing it down and if you set it in a pile of non 50word blog posts to be submitted because holy cow it just kept writing itself and eviolved into a 500-800 word diatribe then so be it.

          50 turns out to be more haiku like thn i ever imagines
          i think i will try it here:

          50 words per blog
          makes you stop and think a bit

          hmmm 11 words so i could go on but its fun to get it whittled down

          the idea that a blog can be written in 50 makes you try to list a couple of ideas to launch and to chew over the meat of the idea for a finished product of magnicent quality abounding… or not

          thanks bill fun

          Liked by 1 person

  1. I’m headed to the Cathedral for some serious knee time in the Marian chapel later this morning (around say, 11-ish).

    I’ll let you know.

    If anyone else gets to have a similar chat, ask for safe travels for our own Anna!

    Liked by 6 people

      1. Kelly is on bus #1, the Amy Klobachar bus. (All the bus’s in this group are named for MN women).
        The driver surprised me by heading East on a gravel township road that I had already heard was icy this morning.
        Luckily the road grader had gone that way a few minute before scraping as much ice as possible off the road. (which really isn’t much but at least he scuffs it up some).
        And he’s a good driver. Passed two cars in the ditch and he made it back to a main road.
        So far so good!

        Liked by 2 people

      1. I am expecting Our Lady will quickly tell me to get off my knees and get to work. There is much to be done!

        I just want guidance and the strength to “get up and do what needs to be done”.

        Liked by 5 people

        1. Treasure the fact, dear friend, that you still have things that need to be done. Me . . . I’m living the life of a circus elephant who just got a pink slip. What do you do when you only learned to do one thing and that gig suddenly isn’t there anymore?


        2. what gig were you thinking of steve? outdoor writer? ill bet the nra would back your publishing a hunting/outdoorsmans journal out of the front room there in happy valley. find others to be contributors and you and be the jerk who tells the editor to redo it until it is right…or not
          i would think there must be a positive reason for the nra to be on the planet lets make it to support your new journal. or fly fishing. i love that community and the fly tying community is less scarey


  2. thanks bill
    50 is a new mode isnt it. i sent one in and had to revise it for more than just spelling

    me and the bvm go way back
    i was a nativity of the bvm alumni 2nd through 6th grade.

    the rest of the nation will hopefullly be able to follow her without tweets.

    tweets are what they are.
    unfortunatley so are other things


  3. I was confused. I was reading BVM as BMW, and thought “What do German automobiles have to do with Lourdes?. Now that my glasses are on, I can read.

    Liked by 6 people

  4. Does Rise and Shine Count in the 50 words, Baboons?

    BVM is outside my life experience, so no she has no message for a lapsed Methodist.

    Usually I do not need an intermediary to receive messages from the beyond–I get them in my dreams and in my downtime. Or on the Trail. I am still resonating with Clyde’s prediction yesterday of a “national joyride in a stolen car.” Chuckle on.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. A long time North Shore tourist trap based on a photograph was the Manonna of the Ice. Somewhat larger and more detailed than Bills. But I could never see much in the ice on a rock cliff.
    We are going to the zoo today. No, not that zoo. The real thing with animals. Hmm, that does not clarify either.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. i love the zoo. my daughter wont go a s aprotest to animals being held in captivity as i recall i did when i was her age. but i do enjoy the ability to watch the critters and crawl inside their personnas for a minute. i heard the circus came to a close partially because of giving in to the cries to stop the elephant abuse. sad to see it go but then again cirque de soleil has a good business with the human end of the equation and cant grow fast enough. maybe elephanfs tigers and seals are best left in the wild rather than being carted around the country in trucks.
    many zoo critters are put in enviorments that they can survive in when the real world outside has changed so drastically that the survival once taken for granted now is endangered.
    enjoy the zoo clyde. i do these days too

    Liked by 2 people

    1. These days zoos are doing the huge work of preserving and educating – and doing more for the animals in their care than just displaying them.

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  7. I’ll be offline the rest of the day. No I’m not going off to spend time in a cave (although I’ve considered it). A couple of girlfriends and I are taking the day off, unplugging for the next 24 hours and having a stamping fest and sleepover. Paper scraps, punches, stamps, ribbons, glue and glitter. Probably wine (a lot of wine). I think it will be soothing for me; I hope all of you can find whatever soothes you today. See you tomorrow night!

    Liked by 6 people

  8. I love your header photo, Bill, though I struggle to pin down its message. The white disk might be some kind of comment on being and non-being. Yes, but the black faucet dingus to the right is obviously a reflection about life as experienced by transgender folks. And I’m just at a loss to interpret the ambiguous white ice tower unless it hints at the role of education in modern America.


  9. My contact with the BVM was when teaching kindergarten in a catholic school – had to learn the Hail Mary and lead them through it each morning. [You know, I can’t recall if we also had to do the Pledge of Allegiance – I suspect so, just don’t remember doing it.] She and I got along fine for the duration, though I don’t recall any particular message. I now realize that if she had tried, I probably wasn’t listening.

    Bill, is the photo of your (and Robin’s) house foundation? Not sure everyone would have noticed this particular manifestation!


  10. I admire your eye, Bill, and for spotting the BVM in your neighborhood. I’m blessed with the BVM in the bathtub in my neighbor’s yard, but she never speaks to me. On the day the BVM was installed next door, Charlie, our late Portuguese Water Dog, spotted her immediately when he was let out into our yard. He wasn’t happy about her presence, and he let her know it.

    As recovering Catholic, I have a long and complex relationship with the BVM. It’s the V part that sticks in my craw. It’s the genesis of the attempts to control women, shaming their bodies, the attacks on Planned Parenthood, and I blame the Catholic church in large part for the predicament we are in today. Was disgusted to find piles of pro-life propaganda when I visited the St. Paul Cathedral last fall. Better quit before this turns into a rant.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. i too am a recovering catolic.
      its a little like being a democrat.
      organazations and people can screw it up

      i love the bathtub bvm’s in your part of the world.


    2. I somehow never see that stuff. I go straight to Mary, light a candle and we have a little chat.

      If I ever knew how, I have forgotten how to post a picture in here, but the statue in the Marian shrine is special to me. The sculptor saw fit to make her look compassionate, yet physically pretty capable of doing her own stunts. I appreciate that.

      I was late getting to the Cathedral, so I am guessing about the time the deed was done I was working with another person at the bus stop fishing together enough change to get a young man on a bus. It seemed the thing to do.

      Cathedral is tough to get to as there is construction all around for the Red Bull thing, but I did get there. Had may chat and paid my respects to the Saints in the different national shrines at the back (I love those too).

      I find that when I am addressing the BVM and don’t want to sound like a selfish git, I am somehow nudged in the direction of framing what I want to say in a way that sort of answers my questions/ gives me an idea of where I am supposed to be going. Mainly in this case, keep my eyes open for opportunities to lend assistance, think bountifully, make connections, pay attention and stay engaged without burning out.

      It comes to this: Be well, do good work, and keep in touch

      Apparently the BVM talks to a lot of people.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. I know she does, mig, and good for you if she speaks to you. I have many devout friends of different faiths, and I respect and admire their faith. One of my dearest friends is an old Catholic nun. A smart, loving, and devout woman who despairs over my lack of faith. I know she prays for me daily, so far, though, to no avail.

        That said, I enjoy visiting churches when they are mostly empty. There’s something about religious sanctuaries that I find calming, and in the case of the St. Paul Cathedral, awe inspiring. Glad you find some comfort there.

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  11. Growing up Lutheran I had no exposure to BVM’s either. I think it was John Ivrving’s book, ‘A Prayer for Owen Meany’ or something from Garrison Keillor where I learned it.

    Thanks for the prayers and thoughts for Kelly and all the women headed to DC!
    This group is awesome!

    Liked by 3 people

        1. I have neither seen nor heard anything from BVM. But now that I know what she looks like, I’ll keep my eyes open. Perhaps my neighborhood will be her next stop.

          Good white balance in the photo, Bill.

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  12. Good day at Arb and Zoo. Some lovely orchids at Arb. Mn walk at zoo is wonderful to see animals of my north woods childhood but they are so confined. Poor eagle

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Violent rain storm in San Diego. My grandson was in a house onto which four big branches fell punching holes in the roof. No one hurt. Lots of damage in two houses in that family.


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