Dun dun dun DONE! 

The weekend Farm Report comes to us from Ben

Had a nice rain on Friday morning. We got about 4/10th of an inch. Tuesday evening there were some strong storms, with some real strong wind gusts. No issues at our place, but there were a lot of branches down in Rochester, and power out in places, and about 6:30 PM I got a call from a township resident that just north of Rochester, several trees were down across the road. As I’m a township supervisor, part of my job is dealing with issues like this. I called the other supervisors and three of us got to work. Thankfully the county came around with a skidloader and they could push it off the road once cut into chunks. We work with a tree service that has done EXEPTIONAL work for us, and they came around and picked up the pieces the next day.

I’ll leave out the part where I got my chainsaw stuck, then John got his stuck trying to get mine out, and Paul insisted he was NOT going to have three chainsaws stuck when the county boys arrived! We didn’t. Whew! 

I finished planting soybeans Thursday night about 10:00. Here’s my last pass. 

It wasn’t quite perfect soil conditions, it was a little bit sticky, but we are getting late enough in the growing season, and with rain predicted several times in the 10-day forecast, I was willing to push it.  

The University of Minnesota Extension Service says corn should be planted by May 5th to get 100% yield. By May 25th, we’re down to 92%.  

For soybeans, it’s May 1 for 100%, and 91% by May 25th.  

Of course there’s always extenuating circumstances, but those are the general guidelines. One year, due to a loan issue with my bank, I planted soybeans before corn, and it was one of the best crops I’d had. So why don’t we plant soybeans first? Good question. Soybeans are more sensitive to cold or wet soils. Corn can sit for 3 weeks and still germinate well. (As some did this year for the farmers who got going in April. My corn came up in a week because I planted later and had warmer weather). So, it’s always a game and you just never know. 

When Bailey, my tractor buddy and I, got home from planting and backed into the shed, I discovered my extension cords glow in the dark! HUH! Never knew that before.  

The chick’s have gotten their outdoor pen.

This group seems much more active and busy than other years, and, we knew they’d need a 6 foot tall pen rather than the 3’ tall pen. I’m looking at you, Luna.  

I’ve ordered ducklings. Thirty. Will be shipped June 18th. An assortment.  

My Mom turned 98 on Sunday. The immediate family had lunch with her, and then we invited a few close friends. She enjoyed the company and liked visiting. Some church friends, and some of her nieces and nephews and it was a fun visit for all of us.

I’m going to miss having my tractor time. Everything went really well this year, and the only issue was one broken hydraulic hose. I just enjoyed the whole process.  

Using Apple Music, it was fun to pick an artist that interested me that day, and listen to a selection of their music. Some worked better than others.  

Christina Aguilera didn’t last long. Neither did Rodney Crowell. Rush, The Million Dollar Quartet, Willie Nelson, Steve Goodman, Pete Townshend, Postmodern Jukebox, and last night, the Tower of Power. They were all really fun. Meant to try ‘The Wrecking Crew’ but didn’t get there.  

Memorial Day Weekend.  Let’s try to be grateful.  


33 thoughts on “Dun dun dun DONE! ”

  1. Carlos barbosa Lima, thelonias monk, roger miller, Edgar Meyer, bill Evan’s and podcasts by Krista tippet and tim ferris

    you put up your soybean map and the lines look kind of squiggly. Are they in real life?
    so do you put 100 hours on your tractor in the spring and 100 more in the fall and that’s it for the season

    that post the other day that had the guy doing his Perry como imitation took me there for a bit and I love the xaviar cugot era miles davis the Beatles and the stones are always there. I enjoyed my early morning jazz and will try to plug into that at other times of the day now that amazon deactivated my drivers account(fired me) for public indecency(peeing next to my car) I asked them where a guy is supposed to pee at 3:30-5 am before stuff opens up to stop in to visit but they don’t respond so sleep deprivation will be less. I am amazed that I am sleeping lots more hours a night but still wake up tired

    going to my sons gender reveal party for the October due twins

    the Timberwolves are making it too interesting for us long waiting fans but I believe they’ll do it

    ben are ducks just because you can? Are duck eggs really better? Do they offer heron eggs or goose eggs?
    I have a friend who does pheasants and he has a head start on his marijuana crop for the day coming soon when he can sell his homegrown

    I still see hops as a Minnesota crop

    thanks for the farming post

    love the glow in the dark extension cords. Why not?

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Tree service is right up there with roofing among the most dangerous occupations.

    I won’t go near a chainsaw.

    I’m hitting the Duolingo Español again. Tejano.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. take your love of chainsaws and then try to imagine tim up on a ladder, hanging over the edge, in sandals with a chainsaw in one hand!


  3. I intend to till the garden today. We had 1.57″ of rain Thursday so I hope it isn’t too muddy. That rain was wonderful! We aren’t planting tomatoes and other tender veggies until next weekend. There is still a chance of frost.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Will listen to Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me, and then who knows if I’ll even remember to put anything on! When I’m home, Husband is often reading, so I don’t play music much. However, I’ll pay attention and report back..

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Most of the music I listen to comes via bluetooth from my phone. We recently got new phones and the music library I had assembled on the old phone didn’t transfer to the new one, so I had to rebuild it. Consequently, my music selections are fresh in my mind. It’s a diverse and idiosyncratic mix of about 1000 tunes and I doubt itemizing them here would be of much interest to any of you.

    With the warmer weather we’ve been taking our morning walks outside in the neighborhood but up until then we were walking at the YWCA and listening, mostly, to podcasts since the walking is so monotonous. I’ve been enjoying a podcast called The Chinwag with Paul Giamatti,, wherein actor Paul Giamatti and philosophy professor Stephen Asma converse about the paranormal—subjects like sasquatch, ghosts and ufos—between themselves and with various celebrities. It’s very entertaining.

    Liked by 5 people

  6. I had some serious kitchen time this morning. A little cooking, a little baking, and then some serious vacuuming and mopping. I asked Alexa to play Sugar by the Archies and she followed it with a whole bunch of other silly 70s bubblegum pop. There was dancing.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Very little variation in my days, which drags me down. My ADD yaps at me. Took yesterday off from seeing Sandra, but only to catch up on housework, shopping, and accounting details. Wore myself out. I don’t listen to music for fear with my bad hearing I will miss a phone call.

    But Monday the Moondogs (summer college Mankato baseball team) season starts at home. Cold, windy, stormy weather predicted. Daughter , s-I-l, and I have same season tickets we have had for a few years now. This year they have added a team in Dickinson.


    Liked by 3 people

  8. Better Late Than Never from JacAnon–

    We are in Central Iowa for part of the holiday weekend viewing tornado damage. Some places near where we are are quite devastated. We decorated graves at the Nevada, Iowa cemetery including now, both my parents. It is a gorgeous day and the cemetery was just beautiful with all the flags flying. We did not have a soundtrack for this rite, though.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Husband just put on Delius. Lovely, as it has started to rain again. We will till the garden on Tuesday. Tomorrow is to be rainy all day.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. The public works department of city of Dickinson made a horrible unannounced decision last week to enforce a little known and new ordinance that prohibited the placement of personal items on graves . Last week they cleared off all the graves in all the cemeteries in town. This is a predominantly Roman Catholc town and there were hundreds of statuaries and things on the graves. They were thrown into dumpsters. The city had such an outcry they retrieved as many things as they could and spread them out at the landfill for people to come and get. Why they would do something like that, and just before Memorial Day, was pretty stupid and barbaric.


  11. When I have the radio on lately, I keep hearing snatches about the Mavericks. I do understand that the Timberwolves are playing the Dallas Mavericks. But to me, when I hear the word Mavericks, I think about these guys….

    Liked by 1 person

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