28 thoughts on “Monarch Party”

  1. Rise and Socialize Baboons,

    The parties I like are potlucks with friends, book groups with an intellectual focus, online parties like a blog (😉), impromptu blizzard parties, or gabbing under a tree with the neighbors who then bring out a bottle of 🍷.

    The party I enjoy the least is the classic cocktail party in which one must make small talk with inebriated people I don’t know or like. That leaves me cold and unmotivated. I just cannot attend those, whether it is a political fundraiser or a neighborhood gathering. The drunken party in an Iowa cornfield between my freshman and sophomore years of college was the worst party of my life. My boyfriend broke up with me and I got drunk on mad dog wine and then ate hotdogs. That taught me a lesson about how not to handle grief.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. “That taught me a lesson about how not to handle grief.” Good grief, I sure hope so! Getting drunk in public on Mad Dog and then eating hot dogs is more lessons than most folks get from a year in college.

      I once had a party like that. I learned not to do things that–so far–I’ve not done again in 44 years. My party combined beer, sweet wine, some controlled substances, lake trout fillets cooked in butter, climbing a mountain in the dark and walking into hordes of ground nesting bees. Remove any of those elements and you would not get the whole educational value of it, although the element I remember with particular horror is the lake trout.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Speaking only for myself. When it’s my month and you see a post by me that means there wasn’t one by anyone else available.


      1. Of course that being said, don’t worry about it. Because if I run out of things to say then I will say that I have run out of things to say!!


  2. I would add to Jacque’s list: dancing. I have long since given up on dancing at bars and clubs – too many sweaty people I don’t know, don’t want to know, and often too noisy. Roll back the carpet or find a clear bit a floor with some friends and get tunes going that we all like – that works for me.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I still get together sporadically with a group of folks I worked with at the bookstore thirty-some years ago. We have a potluck dinner and talk, lots of talk about politics usually. That’s always a good party.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. My older niece got married last week. I was invited to the rehearsal dinner, even though I was not in the wedding party. That was quite nice – at a restaurant with a nice patio. We ate indoors, then moved out to the patio around a fire pit. It was a little chilly but pretty comfortable around the fire.

    The wedding reception was the sort of party that seldom succeeds because it tries to do too much. Many people who don’t know each other, fancy tables loaded down with flowers and candles, open bar, a string quartet that was largely ignored because they were playing while guests were arriving and getting drinks and meeting each other. The food was very good, though, and the bridesmaids and groomsmen seemed to be having a good time. The bride and groom considered it a great success, which is the most important thing.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. I like most kinds of parties. Of course I like my parties a lot either the potlucks or the ones where I do all the cooking. I do actually like to do a lot of the cooking. I would have to say that wedding receptions are my least favorite although I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because they feel very orchestrated most of the time.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. i have purple flowers of multiple shades and varieties st this house and i have hundreds of painted ladies as i go out the front or back door

    i pulled in on my motorcycle yesterday and the butterflies raised up like a bunch of pidgeons and resettled back into their purple heaven as i put down the kickstand

    we have worked it out

    Liked by 6 people

  7. i went to rock bend saturday and that was a good party
    i saw krista she said to say hi
    took a laptop and sat in front of an array of musicians
    very nice
    beautiful day
    next planned party is friday saturday up at leach
    it’s a party of one so far
    i invited my son but he’s looking doubtful
    i have kind of decided that a party of my own making works best
    where three or four are gathered it is suddenly necessary to accommodate
    i’m it as good at that as i once was
    maybe i was never good but now i’m sober and i notice

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I like any party where I don’t do all the cooking, esp. a pot-luck… it’s so democratic.

    But to really top it off, a fall evening with a fire pit, some wine and good beer, and some popcorn. People sitting around telling stories and jokes, maybe some singing if it feels right.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. I like pot lucks with a theme-usually ethnic foods that no one has tried to cook before. This weekend we went to see some Native friends at a small campground they were staying at, celebrating their grandson’s 14th birthday. I haven’t been at a birthday party with a bunch of 14 year olds for a while, but the boys could hike and swim and the adults could talk and eat.

    Liked by 2 people

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