I Shouldn’t Say This, But . . .

Today’s post is from Steve Grooms.

They say confession is good for the soul. But, then, “they” say a lot of things that aren’t true.

I’m more inclined to think that a little confession can be a little good for the soul. I have stuff in my past that I could admit to, but wild horses couldn’t drag that out of me. I also have tiny things I can confess without getting me thrown in jail or embarrassed.

The StarTribune recently ran a column that invited people to make small confessions. Many did. I can’t find it now, but they were of this sort: “I don’t care how many times the name is changed officially, it will always be Camp Snoopy for me.”

Some readers made their small confessions and then said they felt better about themselves. If making many such confessions could make me feel better, I’ve got enough questionable stuff to confess that I should be able to make myself love myself.

But in the spirit of confessing to small but wrong ideas, I’ll get things started with a confession that will probably provoke outrage with some Baboons. I like the best hydroponic tomatoes better than “real” homegrown tomatoes.

I used to assume homegrown tomatoes were incomparably better than the things we can buy in stores. Then I got a bunch of “real” tomatoes grown by a friend in Port Huron. They did not—to me—test much better than the best hydroponic supermarket things, and they kept far better. My “real” tomatoes went soft and foul on me within days of being picked. Meanwhile the hydroponics in my fridge tested great almost two weeks after I bought them. I’ve had this experience before. So, with some guilt, I admit to preferring those store-bought hydroponics that have such an awful reputation.

I’ve got more, but perhaps that will do. What about you?

Do you have anything to confess?



64 thoughts on “I Shouldn’t Say This, But . . .”

  1. I might have something to confess later.

    Right now I have the vapors that you admitted keeping tomatoes in the fridge.

    Wisdom teeth removal bright and early this morning. Think good thoughts, Baboons. Not sure what kind of patient I will be tending later today. I’m a decent nurse, but as a patient I am of the stoical “please just leave me alone to suffer” school.

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    1. Vapors? Oh my! I’ve recently tried keeping tomatoes in and out of the fridge. Keeping them out did not improve them at all. Keeping them in the fridge makes my kitchen neater and gives me marginally more counter space. If you saw my kitchen, you’d know why that is a big deal.

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    2. I was an adult when I had my wisdom teeth removed. After the procedure and as we were driving home, with my mouth still numb from novocaine and myself still a little loopy from the general anesthetic, I insisted we stop at a supermarket so I could get myself some ice cream for my convalescence. I wandered around the store more aimlessly than I ordinarily would have but found the ice cream and made my selection.
      It was only after I had made my purchase and returned to the car that I realized that I had blood dribbling down the corner of my mouth, across my chin and onto my raincoat.

      Liked by 3 people

        1. I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled on the same day when I was 19. I was lucky, I guess, it wasn’t that big of deal. Hope your extraction is as easy as mine was.

          And I agree with you about tomatoes in the fridge, that’s sinful.


    3. i was luckily informed i was called in for a last minute cancellation to get a tooth pulled friday

      lots of codine for 12 hours then nothing
      the i screwed up and brushed the stitchedarea last night
      hurts like hell for a while after that


    4. All done and picking up the prescriptions.

      Went fine. So far seems like he will be his mother’s son and wife just keep reading (no surprise to Baboons).

      He ended up not going fully under, just some gas, then plugged in to Davina Porter reading Alice in Wonderland.

      So much easier than when I got mine out. It was the first time I had general anesthesia and that was when I found out just how nauseous that makes me. Fun times.

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  2. Maybe I should offer another confession to help define the question. I’m going to admit that I harbor a prejudice against guys from the Ozarks. When I hear some man talking with an Ozarks accent, something in my heart freezes.

    Of course, nobody can (or should) defend prejudice. By definition, prejudice is a bad thing. And yet I can admit to this specific prejudice. First, I think we all harbor prejudices, only most of the time we know better than to reveal them. Second, in a long life I have only had one person deliberately set out to hurt me. He was successful. And he was from Arkansas, near the Missouri state line. He hated me and did something about it. I wish it weren’t true, but that experience has made it hard for me to be welcoming and trusting with guys from that region.

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  3. My confession – there is a lot of Christmas music that I do not like – some of the sweet saccharin-y songs (think “It’s a Marshmallow World in the winter”…). It’s on my mind because a neighbor across the street put up three lighted trees with accompanying sound track: Jingle Bells comes around about two dozen times an hour. (I did used to like Jingle Bells.) It’s audible even with the all the windows closed. Gonna have to let him know somehow, or disable his sound system.

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    1. I’m working at the Cincinnati Airport baggage claim area. I’ve heard Little Drummer Boy every 45 minutes. I know this precisely as an announcement of local time is given each half hour.

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      1. Little Drummer Boy was the very song that came to mind when the subject of Christmas music you detest. I would be happy if I never heard another parrumper.

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        1. I’m trying to imagine a perfect moment . . . perfectly awful. Like being in the dentist’s chair, hearing Little Drummer Boy on the sound system while looking at a big portrait of Trump. That’s a good start, but maybe I should add some kinda smell.

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    2. I have a large collection of Christmas CDs although I celebrate the solstice. That’s not really a confession but I do agree with you about Christmas music in general. I can’t even listen to the local stations that play Christmas music all the time because all they do is non traditional more popular stuff that I’m just sick of hearing.


      1. when mpr cut off garrison oi started my boycott. 107.9 is a station i get in on my car radio and it is all christmas music now til christmas.
        my daughter and i are playing guirtar and singing at chilrens hospital on the 20th and they asked that all the music be non denominational. no mention of christmas and hanukkah allowed. its hard to find hiliday music without
        baby its cold out side is my favorite.
        let it snow
        bout it…
        got others? im looking


        1. O Tannenbaum.

          Folk songs about wassail or wassailing are usually secular in nature.

          In the Bleak Midwinter mentions cherubim and seraphim. Not sure if that disqualifies it.


  4. I have been married twice.

    I married Husband with all the traditional paraphernalia and hugaboo at my Lutheran church in Luverne. We were both raised Lutheran.

    A couple of years prior to our wedding, Husband briefly became Catholic. For some reason, after our Lutheran wedding he went to confession, and the priest wouldn’t give him absolution until we were married in the Catholic church. So, after providing the priest with all the documentation that I had been baptised, we were married a second time by the priest. It was Good Friday, and unseasonably warm , and I wore shorts. Husband never went back to the Catholic Church after that.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’ve been married twice as well but not to the same man. Once in a church with all the trappings, once at The Good Earth Restaurant in Calhoun Square. Church, no church, neither one took.

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    2. I know someone who was married twice like that. The first time was with a justice of the peace, but the Catholic church refused to recognize it. Second time was in a Catholic church. And since the church had been so fractious about everything, I think that was the last time that couple went to church.


    3. After two not very happy years of my first marriage, I decided to become a Catholic like my wasband, looking for something – anything – to change my life. I went through weeks of catechism and scheduled my very first confession.

      Well, by 24 years, I had a whole lot to confess. Unfortunately, the priest never told me to whispers my pile of sins, so I spoke audibly out loud. Needless to say, there were a lot of people awaiting there turns in the confessional when I walked out.

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  5. This may not come as a surprise to those who know me, but I have never been to a professional sporting event, unless you count the Calgary Stampede. Moreover, I have never watched one on television.

    Liked by 2 people

        1. That depends on how you define “professional sports.” A lot of the participants certainly are professional athletes.


    1. the calgary stampede is a great one. i was in banff one year when stampede and boyscout jamboree were going on at the same time. .. different crowds . you could tell whe=ich was which


  6. Ok, if we are doing “I’ve never”, I’ve never seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Not an a ersion or anything, just never got around to it, I guess.


      1. I never saw an episode of Dallas either. But I do have a favorite Guindon cartoon that I haven’t seen for many years of an older man sitting in a chair with a smoking gun in his lap and a busted out TV in front of him and behind him his wife on the phone saying “Oh nothing much – Clyde just shot JR.”

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  7. I never paid much attention to divorce until it happened to me. When I went into the online dating game, I learned that the natural conversation starting point on a first date was discussing one’s divorce (or divorces). It was fascinating talking to all those women about their divorces. The first thing I learned was that the first divorce is “free,” free of guilt. Someone I was just meeting would wave a hand and say, “Well, that first divorce . . . we were awful young!” So first divorces don’t count much. Women who later got a second divorce felt they had some ‘splainin’ to do. I felt so sorry for the woman who told me on our first date, “I actually have four divorces. But don’t jump to conclusions! I’m a good person, I’m really a good person!” As I’ve said before, online dating was probably the most educational experience of my life. I don’t recommend it.

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  8. Our son informed me yesterday that I saw the Star Wars 3 movie before he did and he’s forever scarred by that. The fact that I don’t remember this at all does not sooth him.
    Isn’t it interesting what kids remember about their youth?

    I confess I haven’t had much interest in Star Wars after the “original 3” and I’m not interested in Lord of the Rings and I haven’t been able to get interested in the Harry Potter books after I read the first one. Not that I’m NOT interested, sometimes it’s just that I don’t WANT to get interested because I don’t have the time to get that involved. I feel the same about some new TV shows. It’s probably good, I just don’t want to get involved.

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  9. My constitution won’t allow me to tell a real lie. Exaggerate yes, but not an all out lie. This has gotten me into a LOT of trouble over the years. The best example is in the college when all of my sorority went to the health center, called themselves “Mrs. Smith”, and got contraceptives. I just couldn’t lie, didn’t go, and got pregnant as a result.

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  10. One of the public radio shows last weekend – can’t remember which one – read some haiku written by listeners. One read:

    feeling rebellious,
    cut the tags off my mattress.
    serving ten to life.

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  11. I confess I’m pretty much a sucker for the oldies music shows on PBS. They had one on last night here in the Twin Cities metro on the Everly Brothers. I just adore the Everly Brothers. They’re doing a lot of 60’s nostalgia tonight, and I get roped in. I find it enormously appealing, even if it’s music I wasn’t that wild about when it was new, and even if the performers are old and way past their prime. Perhaps especially if the performers are old and way past their prime. Grace Slick famously said “All rock-and-rollers over the age of 50 look stupid and should retire.” But I’m really glad most of them don’t. There’s something sort of life-affirming about 60- or 70-year old rockers getting up on stage and shakin’ it.

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  12. No one has said anything about it, but I think that’s a delightful photo of LJB in the header of this post. I think I recognize the fence and buckthorn draped in lights behind her as being in my garden, so the photo must have been taken at my “garden party” back in 2012.


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