If You’re Going to Blow it, Blow it BIG!

Photo Credit: Reserve Bank of Australia

As part of my job, I send out communications to travelers all the time. Most of our communications are proofed by four or five people, more if the client actually reads the copy.  Every now and then we find a typo after something has gone to print and we tend to say the same thing “How can so many people look at something and not see the error?”

Well now the Reserve Bank of Australia is asking this same thing. Their new £50 note with Edith Cohen (first woman member of the Australian parliament) has a typo.  In teeny tiny letters, as part of the background, the note says repeatedly “It is a great responsibilty to be the only woman here and I want to emphasize the necessity which exists for other women being here.”  Missing an “I” in the word responsibility.  46 MILLION of these notes are now in use around the country.  Wow – when I mess up, it usually only has an impact on 100 folks or so.

Australia says they won’t recall the notes but will correct the mistake when they print the next batch of £50 notes. This makes me wonder if folks will hang onto the notes as a curiosity that won’t be repeated, like that rare Beanie Baby or Geordi Laforge action figure without a visor.

Do you collect anything?

27 thoughts on “If You’re Going to Blow it, Blow it BIG!”

  1. I remember other mistakes that became collectors items – one year those lovely blue canning jars, Ball Co. I believe, accidentally came out purple. If you ever see one at a garage sale or flea market, grab it (if it isn’t already hundreds of $). There’s another one lurking in my memory…

    I collect plenty of things, but just for a while, then I get tired of them or decide they take up too much space, and move on to something else. I just realized I have a little square basket that cocktail napkins fit in perfectly. there are several napkins each of 6 different designs, some of them seasonal… Sigh.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. i thought about you the other day bill. i was in bed bath and beyond doing research for amazon sales and they had an outstanding display of toasters. what was the toaster criteria you collected? i got a kick out of that one .


        1. I love that when you go browsing in Bed Bath & Beyond you call it research, tim. When I go it’s usually because BB&B is listed in someone’s bridal register. 🙂

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        2. I mostly collected automatic pop-up toasters. The first ones made were Toastmasters made right here in Minneapolis. I had a couple of manual ones, where you would have to flip or pivot the toast halfway through but those didn’t interest me as much.

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  2. I’ve talked about my various collections, most of which involve categories of books, previously and probably sufficiently on the Trail.

    I think the warblers are migrating through. The last two days I’ve seen one—the first with some yellow patches and the second one predominantly yellow. Both sightings were too fleeting to get an accurate assessment of their markings. Watch for them.

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  3. I probably should have asked a different question. I was thinking more about collecting things that are rare and unusual by mistake. Like this 50 pound note. One of my pig bags, I think I’ve talked about my pig banks before, is made from wood with some metal attachments here and there. My girlfriend got two of them when her twins were young. She thinks they’re awful and vile. And of course because they are so very very unusual I took one off her hands.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, I am collecting years. Thanks! Commencement at the college next week so doing prep work for that. Because next week will be ALL about Commencement.

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  4. as a kid i collected base ball cards, football cards, coins and stamps. i had the steel pennies made during ww2 to save the copper but never any of the real valuable one
    1909 svdb penny is the rarest coin ever. i can’t remember why
    the upside down airplanes on some stamp
    the ty cobb baseball card that was the begining of baseball cards.
    i never had any of these but dreamt about finding one.
    collected bottles and rocks to remind me of moments
    today i look like i collected lots of stuff none rare but vintage indeed
    hats coats books art tools all in mass quantities that need to be whittled away at. i hope when i die they don’t just get tossed in the dumpster. i feel certain they are worth a couple hundred thousand dollars but need to be sold to the right guy at the right time order to get the proper value thus the right price.

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    1. Paper currency will likely become rarer as time goes on, and perhaps thirty or fifty years from now, collectors will look at it and exclaim over how beautiful and quaint it is.

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  5. Back to Bill’s toaster collection – I had one of the “flip it yourself” ones back in the 70s, mostly for show, I probably tried it once. Interesting to see how some of these things evolved – at one time someone thought that was time- or energy-saving, but then someone else said – “Wait! What would it take to toast both sides at the same time?” and lo these many years later:………….
    Never mind – if I provide a link that you click on, you’ll all just start getting toaster ads on your computer.

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  6. Except for the piggy banks I’m not sure I have collections. Collection to me seems like you make a point to search those things out. I do have an overabundance of rubber stamps with lighthouses on them and also irises. I also have a fair number of things with polar bear motifs on them but I don’t think of that as a collection either. People give me things with polar bears on them a lot. And I also have a lot of cookbooks but I don’t feel like that’s a collection either since I’m living with my rule of “if one comes into the house one has to leave the house” pretty easily.


  7. I have a bunch of wheat pennies, but collectively there are probably not worth a whole lot. I did a little research online a few years ago and I think there was one that was relatively rare, but not likely to make me rich or anything.

    When I go to garage sales I keep an eye out for an early version of Dylan’s Freewheelin’ album. You never know what you might stumble upon.

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