What Party Do You Belong To?

Husband started volunteering  at the local food bank on Thursdays, and was asked rather pointedly by another volunteer what political party he belonged to.  The questioner was a disabled Gulf War Veteran who was rather unhappy with the possibility of a George Floyd protest march at the local mall, and who was supportive of the local bikers who surrounded our mall to make sure there wasn’t any destruction or looting. (It was the most peaceful, non-eventful happening our town has seen.)  Husband answered, quite brilliantly I thought, that he was a member of the Lutheran Party and Lutheran Tribe. That seemed to puzzle the questioner, but ended the discussion. If asked the same question, I suppose I would say I was a New Deal Democrat, but I don’t know how many younger people would know what that meant. I am so proud of the questioner to be volunteering at the food bank, no matter what his political persuasion. I am dismayed to think that he would judge someone on the basis of their answer.

What party do you belong to?  Be creative.

27 thoughts on “What Party Do You Belong To?”

  1. Rise and Shine Baboons,

    My dad was determined to allow his children to find their own political minds. I think this was in response to his father-in-law’s obsessive, crazy behavior regarding politics. When we would ask him what his party was or who he voted for, he would always say, “I vote for the person, not the party.” We later found out he was a Democrat.

    Chris’ response to the food shelf guy was brilliant. Some “parties” I might consider:

    Critical Think Party
    I Love Dogs party
    John Phillip Sousa Party (I won the 1971 student Sousa Award, so why not?)
    Free Quakers Party

    Liked by 5 people

  2. The great state of Minnesota has an official seal. All states do. What is distinctive about the Minnesota seal is that it is poignant, something I believe is not true of any other state. In the seal, a pioneer farmer in the foreground pauses from his work, which is plowing prairie. In the background, an Indian on a pony looks back at the pioneer as he literally rides off into the sunset.
    I belong to the Sunset Party. That affects many of the decisions I make. I would not, for example, take out a five year subscription for anything because I don’t expect to be around that long. As it does for the Indian on his pony, sunset casts a particular sort of light on everything for me.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I am not sure about that. In my career as a social worker, I often worked with police, one of whom is still a dear friend. Most of the officers wanted nothing to do with working with a social worker. They wanted to dominate everything and everyone around them, and they wanted to vote for law and order. Anything “middle ground” or not involving dominating was “social work.” They did not want common sense. They wanted power and control and dominance. Period.

        It is really interesting to watch this police dilemma play out in favor of social workers. A lot of those guys are gonna be mighty unhappy and feeling way too vulnerable.

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Hmm, I disagree. For some of us, people proud of common sense are often those who distrust science, complexity and confirmed reality. I am increasingly fond of science, complexity and confirmed reality. I’ve been driven–perhaps by my common sense–to embrace uncommon sense.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Except you don’t really disagree. My point was that “common sense” is whatever anyone happens to believe, whether or not it’s supported by facts, and often as not “common sense” gets wielded where facts leave off. I’m sure the Trumpites believe their position is common sense. Why would anyone believe otherwise when common sense has so few requirements? Whether you believe your sense is common or uncommon amounts to the same thing.

          Liked by 3 people

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