Where in the World is VS?

VS and YA are out and about this week.  A few clues:

  • This county has the most small farms of any US county.
  • Fast food mega-chain Jack-in-the-Box was born here.
  • Theodor Geisel was one of the most prominent citizens here during his lifetime.
  • The largest comic-con in the world is held here.

Where are we?

36 thoughts on “Where in the World is VS?”

  1. Oh, to travel! We really have no where we can get to easily in a day’s drive. To the south we have Sturgis. No thanks. To the east we have Bismarck/Mandan, ND’s newest Covid hot spot. To the north, eastern Saskatchewan. Nothing much there. To the west, Miles City, MT. Ditto.

    There was a popular play called “Balconville” by a Quebec playwright concerning the lives of working class Quebeccers whose only escape from the summer heat in their apartments was to go to Balconville, their balconies, and talk with neighbors doing the same thing. I guess we go to “Stoepdorp” , our front steps, in the evening. There we gaze at the garden and anyone passing by. Balconville sounds far nicer than our Dutch equivalent, though.

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  2. Before this whole Covid thing we had talked about going to Rhinebeck, New York in the fall for the Sheep & Wool Festival or even to the Shetland Islands for Wool Week.

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  3. I’ve already had 3 trips cancelled or postponed due to Covid concerns. One was to the UAE and Oman in April – it was suspended so we re-booked for March 2021 – that has also been suspended so we decided to cancel for now and try again when travel is safe. My sister and I were supposed to fly to VA to visit our older sister and our oldest niece last month. We postponed that until next summer. And the biggest trip – 2 week cruise to Antarctica in December – hasn’t officially been suspended but neither my friend nor I wish to be on a long plane ride nor be on a (smallish) cruise ship far away from decent medical facilities for 10 days. We have re-booked for December of 2021. Fingers crossed!!

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  4. We’ve been going to backpatioville – scored a patio table last week and have had a couple of people over at a time… if it’s too sunny since there’s only shade there morning and evening, we sometimes end up on the driveway under the hackberry tree… it just doesn’t get more romantic than that.

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    1. Vacay that we put off twice…YA wore me down and did LOTS of research about staying safe. Temperature here is same as temp in Mpls this week during the day. It doesn’t cool down as much during the night. The exception to this is the temperature in Escondido. More about that later.

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