Hats Off

Husband owns and wears what I consider to be a large number of caps. He usually stores them in a plastic tub in the entry way. He displayed them on the dining room table for me so I could take the photo.

The ones in the back row have team, club, or university affiliations. The middle ones are work caps, since they are older and soiled around the sweat bands. The ones in the front row are his special collection of blue caps. He said he started wearing caps after he got a Pioneer Seed Corn hat from my father when we were in graduate school.

Every time he leaves the house, he has to have just the right cap. It has to coordinate with what shirt he is wearing and what activity he is going to engage in. He rarely leaves the house without one.

I don’t understand the purpose of these caps. I think they would be hot to wear in the summer and insufficiently warm in the winter. He is about to take the cap tub into the basement for the winter and get up his stocking caps. (Oh, he also has a blue wool one with ear flaps that he sometimes wears in the winter.)

They are oddly important to him. He says wearing a cap helps him pass in the world of men who work outdoors.  He also likes them as they protect him from the wind.  I don’t think he needs to justify wearing a cap. I just would be irritated with something like that on my head all the time.

 What fashion trend would you like to see return? What fashion trend did or do you abhor?


67 thoughts on “Hats Off”

  1. i like hats.
    the other kind. fedoras
    i’ve always liked hats.since i was two i’ve been a hat guy. used to be cowboy hats back in the day of hop a long cassidy and roy rogers . in grade school it was baseball in the summer and then hair styles suddenly hair styles with brylcream and vitalis were the thing.no hat with the cool pompador. me and fabian and elvis. the beatles changed all that and bangs and the new look allowed for a greek fisherman’s cap then a flop hat then in the summer garage sale outings i started collecting sports coats and hand me down hats from the styles of the 50’s and 60’s people had given up on. stetsons, dobbs, resistol, knox, wormser and a whole world of hatmakers became my fashion accessory of choice.
    big hair of the hair dryer era made them go into dormant mode but the hats had hat boxes to hang out in while the world got right again. about 20 years ago i started buying and selling hats on ebay and it started it up all over again for me. hats led to sports coats and top coats and today i am looking at a retirement program of being a haberdasher with hats coats and i am looking forward to it.
    today we all are sweatpants people but i find my sports coats and hats a way to cope
    seed caps are a working mans fashion statement. my fedoras are an opener to fashion and i’ll enjoy it.

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    1. When I watch a movie or show which shows a woman walking in high heels, instead of being distracted by her legs, I am distracted by the message being sent. Why do we do things that are hard on us to meet social norms?

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  2. Hisband’s not covering up a “no hair” situation, is he, Renee? I have a friend in CA who wears a tam all the time, and I’ve always thought that was the reason, but it may also be that he likes being unique..

    I’ve noticed that you can sometimes tell without looking at their face, the age of someone by what they’re wearing. Some of us stay with what we ey were comfortable in when coming of age. I still wear mostly jeans and knit shirts or sweaters. (But not the mini-skirts and heels.)

    Still thinking about something I’d want to come back, but for the abhor part: mini-skirts… of course they are back for the younger set, but we elders aren’t expected to wear them. In fact, at this point, it doesn’t matter what’s in fashion because I wear what I want.

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    1. Is a “hisband” anything like a wasband?

      I used to wear mini-skirts a lot. And hot pants. Very short when I still had “good legs.” I could sew a mini-skirt out of 1/2 to 3/4s of a yard of fabric. I see those pictures and just cringe.

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  3. Rise and Shine Baboons,

    I do enjoy hats on other people, especially really stylish hats. Years ago the Guthrie had a play called “Crowns” about the Afr-Am tradition of wearing hats and how that developed from slavery. It was wonderful. Unfortunately I don’t like actually wearing hats much—my hair is fine, and slippery so they come right off my head. Don’t even get me started on how I feel about bicycle and motorcycle helmets. I knit ear warmers for winter wear, then embellish them with polymer clay buttons that I make. Those I love and they stay on my head.

    Ditto to the high heel tradition. So uncomfortable and in my old age I have little tolerance for any extra discomfort in life. I really disliked the women’s fashion from 10 years ago with the bare midriff exposed by short tops and low jeans. Too many muffin tops with that one.

    Renee, we have an almost identical collection of men’s hats at my house that are lined up on pegs on our porch entrance. Lou’s favorites are the BMW hat and the “World’s Best Grandpa” hat. That one is raggedy and worn.

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        1. Went to farmers’ market this morning wearing sandals. By the time I was heading home it was snowing, but I agree, VS, this doesn’t qualify as enough snow to switch to shoes and socks.

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  4. I’ve never been a style trend follower. I’m sure that shocks most of you. But I can say from being the parent of a teenager and now young adult that I do do notice fashion more now. I really didn’t like the trend when she was in early high school of the shirts with your stomach showing. Especially because in our house that meant that perfectly good shirts got cut off in order to take part in this trend. However I was smart enough to know to pretty much keep my mouth shut.

    I also don’t like the trend of ripped jeans. And it amazes me that people will pay ungodly amounts of money for a pair of jeans that have been sliced up before you even plunk down your payment. YA has one pair of these but she knows not to wear them when she is with me. Smart gal. And what’s with the current fashion of tucking in one part of your shirt in the front and leaving all the rest hanging out? Sigh.

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    1. RE: the tucking in of only the front of your shirt. The fashion guy on Queer Eye calls that a French tuck. He thinks it’s flattering and stylish. I disagree.

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      1. My first thought when I see the French tuck ( thanks for a name for it), is that you were just in a hurry getting dressed and didn’t quite get finished up.

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        1. There’s not much reality TV that I like. I do watch a fair number of the animal shows (like the zoos and the vets) but someone would have to really recommend something like Queer to entice me to watch it. And no one ever has so I’ve never actually seen it.


      2. Kelly just recently started watching Queer Eye and she really enjoys it. I haven’t watched it enough yet to know; at this point, the one guy with the beard, long hair, and dress just annoys me because I don’t understand what’s up with all that.
        She says I just have to try it. (The show, not the rest of the outfit…)

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        1. My guilty pleasure is the HGTV shows which I just love. I’ll bet Kelly does not like those. It is a good thing that there is a variety of shows to meet all our pleasures.

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        2. Oh yeah, since we got better internet and can stream those now, she’s got several in the queue. Some I’ve never heard of. ‘Good Bones’, ‘Hometown’, ‘Property Brothers’… I don’t mind watching those.
          Thanks for the offer to make mini- skirts… I don’t have the legs for it.

          There are actual “utility Kilts” and a rigging company that wears them. Not for me, thank you. (Why a company flying over your head should choose to wear a kilt?? Good for them.)

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    2. Ha! I had to ask Kelly what the deal was with the pants tucked in the front. I thought it looked like they had just gone to the bathroom. It’s called a “French Tuck” and evidently all the “cute young girls” are doing it. Her words, not mine.
      Man buns- those need to finish going away and never come back.

      To a point, I sort of regret never being a suit guy; my dad sure looked snazzy in those double breasted suits.

      I always did like the big ruffles and huge bow ties from the 1980’s. Not sure I want them back, but I did like them…

      Course you all know I always have a hat on. About time to get a new one from “Meyer’s Seeds Potsdam MN”.. this one is getting dirty. They’re my ‘everyday’ hat and its OK to get dirty. But once they get too dirty they move to the ‘farming’ hat where it might get grease on it.
      I have about 15 hats in the entry way on hooks and in the closet. A couple are the ‘better’ hats and a few are the “Best” hats and then just a few are the ‘Sunday-go-to-church’ hat.

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      1. Uff Da. I love Man Buns, especially on wait staff because then their hair stays out of my food.

        Maybe the next shirt-tucking style will be having the shirt tail caught in the fly front zipper of jeans—that always looks good. LOL

        Liked by 5 people

  5. what was the neil young album with the patches.
    oh sue beese was soulmate and she was a sewing fool. we went to jo ann fabrics and got upholstery fabric and my jeans were wonderful

    there’s a trend to bring back
    make jeans last forever and work in the winter

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    1. I love wearing leggings – so comfortable. But I only pair them with a top long enough to cover my butt.

      I never liked high heels. Part of why is because they are not comfortable to wear or to walk in. The other part is that I have really small feet (4.5 dress shoe) and high heels just look dumb on such a short foot.

      I rarely wear a hat (except for knit hats in winter). The main reason: small head so most hats don’t fit. If I was forced to wear a hat (such as attending the Kentucky Derby), it would probably have to be a fascinator. I do have a few baseball type caps but rarely wear them. And I think I look silly in most hats or caps.

      When I was old enough to wear nylon stockings (junior high), I was forced to wear either a girdle or (horrors) a garter belt to fasten them. I was really tiny then (< 90 lbs) so there was no other need to wear such a torture garment. Thank god for pantyhose (tho I rarely wear these anymore either).

      I was fortunate enough to wear scrubs for most of my career. My non-work wardrobe slowly evolved into mostly casual, which is what I live in now that I am retired. I do like to dress up once in a while even though my "dressy" wardrobe is quite limited.

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  6. Don’t go knocking those fleece-lined leggings, they’re wonderful. I agree, however, they should be worn with a tunic if you’re over fifty and/or overweight. I’m both, so you’ll not catch me rocking skintight leggings and a sweater, it’s too rough on the yes.

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  7. \My son made this comment about ten years ago, when he lived in San Diego. “When I walk through the mall and see junior high girls and how they dress, I feel like a pervert.”

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  8. An aside, a question for any and all, mostly Renee: I was not fully aware of this, not being around him, but my 6-year-old grandson stands and walks only on his tiptoes. It does not seem to be a choice he is making. He tries and says he cannot put his heels down. He is in PT, just had only his second session. She is trying orthotic tape on parts of his body, his stomach right now. I do not see the connection but I will assume she knows what she is doing. He cannot be the only child to be like this. She says they may need to put braces on his legs. Have any of you encountered this?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well, did a search, which I should have done before asking here. Quite a bit out there. Some conflicting information, or just not saying similar things. One key element: it associated with autism spectrum disorders, of which he has other possible signs.

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      1. I know two little boys, both with autism, who walk as you describe, Clyde, but both did it from very early on. Since your grandchild is six years old, and it’s only now being addressed, I’m wondering whether it’s a recent development? Either way, I hope he gets whatever treatment he needs to help with the problem.

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    2. I vaguely recall one kindergartener who walked mostly on tiptoe, but since it was just “mostly”, I don’t know if it was a problem, and I assume he outgrew the tendency. This sounds a bit different, Clyde.


    3. i had a friend who i called a pheasant walk guy in jr high
      he was on the overly intelligent side and it seemed to be a social triggered thing he wasn’t aware of
      he grew out of it and ended up just being smart with no odd walk

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  9. Husband has an extensive collection of baseball-style hats that are kept in a basket by the front door. They’re souvenirs from breweries or places he has visited, mostly. He’s bald and always wears one when he goes outside during the spring summer and fall as protection from the sun. During winter he wears a knit stocking-type cap for warmth.

    Like Jacque, my hair is fine, and I have a hard time keeping a hat on my head. Besides they really annoy me and make me overheat. I know I should wear one as protection again the sun, and I do own a really nice sunhat, but I rarely wear it. During cold weather, I have a couple of knit hats and a felted wool one to choose from.

    Personally, I don’t make much of a fashion statement with what I wear, at least not deliberately. Clothes have to be cool or warm as the weather may dictate, and comfortable. Other than that it must be washable, and preferably not need ironing.

    Don’t know that there are any current or past clothing trends that I abhor, but those jeans full of holes don’t make sense to me. Neither do the pants sagging below the butt of the wearer to reveal their underwear and impede their ability to walk. And I agree, that French tuck thing seems weird.

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  10. I used to wear really worn and faded, flared jeans with a white cotton peasant top. That was my favorite look when I was younger. It doesn’t work for me anymore. So many things are like that. It’s not so much the clothes or styles I’d like back – it’s my 22 year old body! Anyway…

    I’ve never been a real big hat wearer but I did go through a raspberry beret phase. I don’t think I took that warm wool beret off my head all winter. I have trouble keeping most hats on my head. I like the look on other people but it doesn’t always work for me.

    I’ve been a Birkenstock wearer for my entire adult life. I don’t own a pair of heels, never have. I do wear leggings because they are warm and comfortable, but I only wear them with a tunic-length top or an extra large t-shirt or something. I wore New Balance shoes for work when I worked full time.

    I’ve never liked shiny, plastic-y, vinyl-y clothes, or over-dyed fake looking clothes. I have always preferred natural colors and natural fabrics like cotton and wool. I like wearing artistic clothes and wearable art.

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    1. Krista, you’ve reminded me:
      I bought my first pair of Birkinstocks when I was in my third year of teaching. Up till then I had taught at St. Anne’s of the Sunset, in San Francisco, which was pretty laced up as far as dress code. When I moved to Half Moon Bay Elementary, I basically traded in that dress code, incl. my low heels (and what I had left of the higher ones), for Birkies and clogs.

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  11. I’ve never owned a pair of Birkenstocks, but have had many Earth Shoes with a “negative” heel. I’ve never really had shoes with high heels, just pumps. Don’t know why anyone would wear shoes like the ones we routinely see the current FLOTUS wear.

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  12. OT – Just got word tonight that a very dear friend has been given a month to live. Anne is a year younger than me, has lived a rich and rewarding life, but it seems like a melanoma has migrated to her brain and that there’s no hope for a cure. I’ve written about her on the trail many times. She was married to Mike who died from complications from Parkinson’s several years ago. Anne is a French trained chef, the mother of four successful kids, a writer with several published books to her credit. She is a fun, complicated and intriguing person with a rich spiritual life. I wish her a speedy transition with a minimum of pain.


  13. My fiance wears caps because the sun would burn his bald head in about 10 minutes, but besides that he likes wearing them, especially his Vietnam veterans hat. Thanks for sharing your post.


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