Where in the World is Renee Going?

I am traveling and will arrive at my destination this afternoon. I am getting there by plane. I am going to the most boring psychology conference in the world, and I suppose they had to have it in a pretty entertaining place to make up for all the meetings about jurisprudence, professional regulation, and licensure. I expect to hear yet again about the legal problems for regulatory boards brought upon us by the North Carolina Board of Dentistry and their attempts to put teeth whitening shops out of business!

There is a beach that proudly houses a sculpture of a 70 foot tall giant emerging from the sand. There also is a large Ferris wheel, a marina, a 3000 seat state of the art theatre, and one of the largest gaming floors outside of Las Vegas. I will not visit any of these attractions, as I don’t gamble and I don’t like large Ferris wheels. I might take a ride on a 36 foot, Americana-themed Carousel, however.

I fly into one jurisdiction, go by taxi to another jurisdiction, and will be very close to yet another jurisdiction. There will be lots of neoclassical architecture nearby, as well as an enormous library should I have some free time on my hands. I am here for six days.

Where do you think I am going, and where would you visit if you were there?

30 thoughts on “Where in the World is Renee Going?”

  1. I’m not entirely sure what you mean by “jurisdiction,” so mine are wild guesses based on my ignorance, and some of the other things you’ve told us about your trip. I’m also guessing that you deliberately used the term “jurisdiction” to avoid using the term “state.”

    It has to be on the “right coast” somewhere? I’m guessing somewhere in the “vicinity” of Washington, DC. Wherever it is, try to connect with another conference attendee or two who share some of your interests and explore. Decide to have a great time, boring lectures notwithstanding. Hell, you’ve spent considerable time in graduate school, you got this.

    Like Aboksu, Philadelphia and Atlantic City were immediate guesses, and for some reason Baltimore appeared on the radar. I have never been to any of those places, so not guesses based on anything but hunches.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Rise and Shine, Baboons,

    Oh, Renee, How will you stay awake over a 6 day period? I don’t even know how you serve on this committee.

    Las Vegas?

    Yesterday I visited my mother. She is failing rapidly now, so she could not stay awake to visit at all. But she did eat the dish of ice cream I brought her.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. So sorry, Jacque, that you don’t live closer to her. For your own sanity’s sake, maybe it’s better so? I know what’s it’s like to have parents slipping away without you being able to be of any comfort. Thinking of you.

      Liked by 4 people

  3. To go from Dakota by plane and land in the afternoon it had to be East Coast or southeast coast. But the jurisprudence has got to be another word for state — I agree with PJ on this. And I’m thinking the only airport you can fly into on that side of the country and take a taxi to another state, and then be close to a third state has got to be Dulles. Large library would lead me to think Washington DC but I don’t know anything about Ferris wheels, giant statues on beaches or gaming centers so maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. OT, PJ, just seen your yesterday’s comment on my cat bulletin. You’re right about most of it, it’s all pretty muddled. Nevertheless, I think we’ll eventually get through, if only because : when Chelo originally approached Jordi concerning a place for the cats, he came back immediately with an offer of land. Because he already had this problem on his mind, and was already laying plans. He possibly was thinking “if only” he could get a some voluntary help…. and along it came. The stray dog problem has already been taken care of, here and in other places, with the law tightening up. Other towns and villages are now starting to take care of the cat problem. Jordi has been getting more than the usual number of complaints, possibly because I and others have become less surreptitious about feeding the strays , which I believe is illegal. Non cat lovers say that feeding them attracts them. Hard to argue with that one. Cat lovers say that Jordi should crack down on those who put down poison for the cats, also illegal. He’s a good mayor, and haphazard or not, he will see that things get done.
    I will admit that at the moment, I do hesitate to know what to write. I’m well aware of how it looks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, please do keep us posted, Fenton. I think that the trapping and neutering of these feral cats is essential to limiting the problem in the long run, so I hope that effort is successful. I’ll admit that I’m skeptical about the wisdom of concentrating these cats in a specific area for a number of reasons, but that’s just me. For everybody’s sake, including the welfare of the cats, I hope this project is successful.


      1. Ha ha, oh I will, PJ. But specific area……. we deliberately left the two holes in the bottom fence. There are many acres of abandoned, overgrowth land, in which cats can hunt, play, and sleep in to their hearts’ delight, as our village cats do now. In bad weather, or when they’re hungry, they can come back to the old homestead. But I don’t know how long we can get away with this. Firstly, it’s illegal, for fire safety reasons, to let land run wild. No doubt the Valencian government will eventually enforce the law, and take away the cats’ cover. Secondly, it transpires that one of the two butchers in Palomar, the brother of our buddy Asensio, at the bar, owns the shooting rights on some of that land. Shooters don’t like cats. They eat rabbits. The normal custom is to shoot any cats they see. I don’t know how that one will turn out. Meanwhile, I will slowly put shelves up in some of the trees, for instance, places cats will like to sit and watch the world from on high. Things like that. It’s all about enrichment, Jane keeps telling me.
        It occurs to me that I might not have mentioned that I strained my left arm, possibly the day before we all went to view the field, and that alone has markedly slowed my progress, right up until a few days ago. So things haven’t been done which might otherwise have been done.


  5. So, Renee, how boring was the first day of the conference? I hope it didn’t live up to your expectations in that regard. Hope you had a little time and energy left at the end of the day to explore. At least take a walk by the water.

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