Holy Cornmeal!

Husband tried to make a hoe cake recipe the other day, and it was a disaster. Hoe cakes are traditional cornmeal pancakes. Husband’s family is from Eastern Ohio and West Virginia, and love all things with cornmeal. They even like cornmeal mush. I am really not a fan, I am afraid. I like my corn on the cob with butter dripping off it.

Husband decided that the problem with his hoe cakes was the cornmeal. Ours was too coarse. I found a Southern mill in Alabama that had extra fine ground white corn meal and ordered it. I was delighted to read that the company motto for the cornmeal was To God Alone Belongs All Glory. Well! That really appeals to the Lutheran in me. My college motto was Soli Deo Gloria. JS Bach initialed SDG at the bottom of many of his compositions. I may not like cornmeal or hoe cakes, but the company seems great! I love yeast raised pancakes and waffles.

What are your favorite kinds of pancakes? What company slogans do you like? Favorite Bach compositions?

24 thoughts on “Holy Cornmeal!”

  1. Husband developed a pancake method (recipe isn’t exactly what he was about) where he added cornmeal to the ww/white flours… plenty of baking powder, used buttermilk, and some molasses. I’ve tried to duplicate them, but he had the master touch.

    I know there are some great company slogans – will try to find one before end of day!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Huh!  One of my favorite Peter Paul and Mary songs was Because All Men Are Brothers… which tune is the same as a good old hymn “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded”, attributed to Bach. But according to Wiki, the music was by Hans Leo Hassler, and Bach arranged the melody and used it elsewhere (St. Matthew’s Passion and Christmas Oratorio). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O_Sacred_Head,_Now_Wounded

    And another source says: ”This song is new lyrics written by Tom Glazer in 1948 to Bach’s ‘Passion Chorale’.”  https://www.riseupandsing.org/songs/because-all-men-are-brothers

    There was a rabbit hole I didn’t intend to go down…

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I’ve kind of gone off pancakes. My spouse “has a standard breakfast” and doesn’t like “pancakes for meals”, so if I make them, it’s for myself.

    I liked thick ones made with Yoghurt, but they were often so thick that they didn’t cook all the way through (I know, that’s a skill problem).

    The college in town (which I didn’t attend) has the motto Spera in Deo, but it is “Hope” college, so that fits the name. I can’t think of corporate mottos that ring a bell, perhaps I need to look at more beer cans.

    As for Bach, I like the one they play at the funerals of Australian shepherds, “Sheep May Safely Graze”. 

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I’m not a pancake guy. I much prefer waffles. But I don’t eat much of either any more. Just an occasional waffle at Central Park Coffee here in town–excellent. Faves are blueberry w/ lemon curd and in season, strawberry-rhubarb.

    Favorite Bach composition is probably Toccata and Fugue in D Minor.

    Chris in Owatonna

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Chocolate pancakes. Summer at the lake invited pancake eating contests. I psyched out newer participants with the idea that the black specks in the cakes were from the fly catching strips.

    The Brandenburg Concertos.

    “Melts in your mouth, not in your hand.”

    M&Ms: Which was not true.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Agree about M&M’s. You get smears of orange and green on your hands if you don’t gobble them up immediately. I have a three-year-old great nephew, and even today, this is most certainly true.


  6. I like Danish pancakes or crepes as a special treat once in a blue moon. Not something we eat very often. Hans has more of a sweet tooth than I do. He likes his with a healthy glob of raspberry jam; I prefer a squeeze of lemon juice with a tiny sprinkle of sugar, or a small dab of orange marmalade.

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      1. I don’t know. I’ve never had Norwegian pancakes served with brown cheese. I have tried Norwegian brunost on knekkebrød, though, and I don’t care for it. I’m guessing that Norwegian pancakes are pretty similar to Danish and Swedish ones.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. I adore pancakes that I get out in the world. Perkins. Lowbrow, which is YA’s favorite place. I’ve tried every trick I can find to try to make them light and fluffy like that at home and I have never succeeded. If anybody knows any good tricks .. spill ‘em! Since I don’t like my own pancakes very much. I don’t have pancakes too much at home.

    Almond Joy and Mounds. “Sometimes you feel like a nut…”

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I will probably be making pancakes this week. I got a little bunny pancake pan in my Easter basket this year!


  9. I have been on the run all day with appointments for Lou. We hired a Home Health Care Agency today, as well, so soon I will have some helpin caring for Lou. 

    My Grandma’s recipe for Corn Meal Mush, was her “lazy meal” meaning easy and last minute, that she served with bacon, butter and honey. The recipe starts with “Go to the corn crib and pick out 8 good ears of corn. Take it down to Jacobsons and have them grind it.” She would make very large batches of this to feed her large family. She would refridgerate it over night then slice it and fry it in butter the next day which was even better than the orginial mush. Fried mush is served with maple syrup.

    I love pancakes. OPH (Original Pancake House) has light, fluffy ones that I really like, especially the granola ones or the pecan ones. At home I make oatmeal pancakes that are dense and full of fiber. I love those too.

    I am pretty tired tonight after this very busy day and I cannot think of Bach selections. Maybe tomorrow.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. I used to make pancakes and waffles and french toast on Sunday mornings. Over the years my energy and my appetite have declined to the point where it doesn’t seem worth the bother. I will occasionally order a breakfast with a pancake at Highland Bakery. They have a breakfast that has one pancake about the size of a compact disc. That seems to me just the right amount of pancake, served with a couple of eggs and a couple slices of bacon.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I think of latkes as potato pancakes, and I like them, but I haven’t had them in years.

    Early in our marriage, our standard Sunday brunch was huevos rancheros. It was quite the production, and we enjoyed it for ten years or more. We still have it perhaps two or three times a year as a special treat.

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