Missing Mt. Ranier

Today’s post comes from Reneeinnd

Oh where oh where is Mt. Ranier? We’ve looked in front. We’ve looked in the rear. Maybe it is obscured by clouds, or hills,  or enormous ships on Tacoma’s piers.  Our time here is ending with nary a glimpse of the very large mountain that would give us chills.


What have you been missing lately?

38 thoughts on “Missing Mt. Ranier”

  1. On our two trips to Seattle of about 10 days each, the mountain was out about half the time, but we did not go this time of the year. One of our best days ever was the drive up to Paradise at 5000 feet.

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  2. An aunt and uncle lived in Seattle for many, many years. On a good day, Mt. Rainier could be seen from their kitchen window. On a trip to visit them in July during the 1962 World’s Fair, we could see it nearly every day. Much later on a visit in the spring of 1975, I couldn’t see it at all.


  3. waste paper basket, rice,comfortable shoes, pasta, pizza, keyboard keys, high C, sleep, leaves, clarity, toilet, drawing, my sister, good Mexican food, judge crater, common sense, bike riding, North Shore, purpose, real malt, shoe eyelets, a functional memory,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. moonlit walks along the Seine, barging along the Thames, walking the frozen Neva, canoeing the Congo, barging the Nile, climbing Ben Nevis, soloing the Atlantic,

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      1. This has me wondering, can you miss something you’ve never had? Doesn’t missing something imply that you once had it and no longer do?


        1. When Art Buckwald moved from Paris to Washington to write his column, he was interviewed about whay he would miss about Paris. He listed moonlit walks along the Seine with Bridget Bardot, long conversations with John-Paul Sartre, sketching with Picasso, etc.
          I was immitating his humor. badly.


  4. – the “splint” that I use at night to keep my teeth from grinding down.
    – some photos of step-son Mario’s place, where we will visit mid-month… (I’m making my mom a book that she can look at while we’re gone, to explain where we are, and can’t find some of the best photos)

    And that’s just the two I can think of..


  5. Been thinking about the difference between missing and lost. In my world, the missing is almost always the same as lost. Currently missing the lid to one of my Yeti knock-offs as well as a blue and red nightgown. Pretty sure that YA’s dog was involved in both these missing items.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. My hip fracture of last Fall has caused me to miss a lot of things. I am healing well but am still missing my smooth gait, being able to run, walk long distances easily, climb stairs carrying a heavy load without using a handrail, sit cross-legged (“Indian style”), balance on my left leg, and move easily around obstacles in tight areas. My PT reassures me that I will get this back but it takes close to a year to get back to normal. I am not a patient person! The upcoming trip to Italy could be a bit of a challenge – my trusty hiking stick will accompany me.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. you can find solace in a sidewalk cafe and a bottle of wine. piedmoint grave is my personal favorite but pinot grigio is a staple at my house.
      with gnocci and canaloni and capaccinio as staples why would you want to walk? grappe is an eye opener and closer at the same time


  7. Rain and clouds here in Tacoma today. We drive to the airport this morning to fly back to the prairies. I doubt we will catch a glimpse of the mountain, but you never know. I am missing husband, and won’t see him until tomorrow night when he returns from the rez.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’m missing A President I felt proud of and trusted…with a first family that exemplified healthy family with values and grace. (despite living in a bit of a fish bowl)

    I’m missing the quiet lake I knew as a child and even as an adult returning to make a cabin a home. Too many added campers in an expanded campground and too many pontoons and jet skis. Gone are the days of just the old little fishing boats ….like ours …with 5hp Johnson motors.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Five horses? Geez, were you guys into water skiing? I was raised on the classic 3-horse Johnson motors in that distinctive urpy shade of green! With a three-horse motor on a wood lapstrake boat (which would be fairly heavy) you hoped the scenery was attractive because, at that speed, you’d be looking at the same stuff for a long time!

      Liked by 5 people

        1. everone did. johnson and evinrude. did yours have a recoil or did you wrap the rope with the knot in the end?


      1. Grandpa had one of those urpy Johnsons….one brother still owns it but our cabin home ‘came with’ the 5 hp on the alumanim boat. Don’t fish…just take dog for rides or use as transport to sister living down the lake.


    1. keep working it. its going to be a bitch when you wish you could hobble like a bad robot again like back in the good old days back in happy valley


  9. Try to remember the kind of September
    When life was slow and oh, so mellow.
    Try to remember the kind of September
    When grass was green and grain so yellow.
    Try to remember the kind of September
    When you were a young and callow fellow,
    Try to remember and if you remember then follow.

    Try to remember when life was so tender
    That no one wept except the willow.
    Try to remember when life was so tender
    That dreams were kept beside your pillow.
    Try to remember when life was so tender
    That love was an ember about to billow.
    Try to remember and if you remember then follow.

    Deep in December it’s nice to remember
    Although you know the snow will follow.
    Deep in December it’s nice to remember
    Without a hurt the heart is hollow.
    Deep in December it’s nice to remember
    The fire of September that made you mellow.
    Deep in December our hearts should remember then follow.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I first saw The Fantasticks when I was in high school, about the same time I was infatuated by A Thousand Clowns. Neither one is performed much (if ever) anymore, although I would love to see them both again. Too much a product of their times, do you think?

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      1. i sang that song in mr woods concert choir straight out of catholic school and into the big time. i loved it and still feel a special place for it.
        i have begun a acapella group on craigslist and am looking forward to it. i play with a guitar gorup from meetup. this helps with my missing music fix but not enough.

        i took my daughter to a thousand clowns in theater in the round a year ago. i have not wseen it before or since on stage. it was marvelous.

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  10. I’ve mentioned before that I miss my Robbinsdale back yard, It felt so private and lush, full of flowers and critters and garden. I am starting to find where the birds that I hear live. It’s a different kind of paying attention.

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  11. Now I miss my bed and my cats. I am in the Minneapolis airport waitng for my flight to Bismarck which is delayed and is now supposed to leave at 9:44. Once I get to Bismarck I have a 95 mile drive home.


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