Arbor Day

The weather is improving, and it is warming up. Today is Arbor Day.  We will be working this Saturday in our church’s new  contemplative garden laying edging pavers and laying out garden beds.  The irrigation system went in on the 26th.

How do you plan to commemorate Arbor Day?  Any yard work or green thumb projects planned?

32 thoughts on “Arbor Day”

  1. Ooooooo I do have some yard work planned this weekend. I stopped at the hardware store yesterday and got some more yard bags because we used to so many in the fall for leaves. Maybe pull a little creeping charlie if I see it? Some raking? YA surprised me by raking in the backyard two days ago and filling up two bags as well. I’ve already put out some fencing in the back to protect sprouts from dogs and put up the big fence around my lily garden to try to keep Guinevere out.

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  2. I did lots of yard and garden work yesterday, will continue that.

    Also recommending a book – Lab Girl by Hope Jahren, – memoir about a scientist who studies trees, flowers, seeds, and soil. I learned about the minute were the chances for every seed that’s become a tree. It’s also about “how she found a sanctuary in science, and the disappointments, triumphs and exhilarating discoveries of scientific work”, and has passages that made me laugh out loud.

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    1. I second thi recommendation. In fact this book was so well-written that I didn’t even realize it was a memoir until about 80% of the way through. I just thought it was pleasing fiction.

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    2. May I add Bernd Heinrich’s books about his land in Maine:
      The Trees in My Forest, A Year in the Maine Woods, plus couple others I have yet to read.
      I keep being recommended My Life in the Maine Woods, A Game Warden’s Wife in the Allagash Country by Annette Jackson. Has anyone read it.
      Speaking of Maine woods there is Thoreau’s book The Maine Woods, which I find incomplete.
      Bill sent me a fine book set in Minnesota, all the stories swirling around a resort in far northern MN. I have only managed to fight my way through about 60 pages with my dry eyes. When I finish I will offer it on here. Dr. Birkholz wants me to try a prescription which is $220 a month to see what it does, If it does work how will I afford that. She may try to open the tear ducts.

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  3. There is a huge old tree on the boulevard just south of my house that has been painted with the Red Ring of Doom. I am sorry to lose the tree – it provided a lot of nice shade. On the other hand, it has been dropping so many branches that I stopped parking my car in front of my house and go around to the side street instead.

    Perhaps I will take some pictures of the tree today.

    Happy birthday to PJ!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Wow, a gaggle of a couple dozen middle schoolers (probably) just drifted past our house with their teachers, stopping to take pictures of trees and plants with their tablets. Bet it’s an Earth Day or Arbor Day related field trip. Fun to see them!

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  5. A sure sign of spring in my neighborhood. My next door neighbor Rita has put her little Bonsai out on the patio table after it’s winter in the shed.

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  6. It’s some kind of little Pine but I don’t know enough about Pines when they’re that size to know. But I can ask her. I see her often enough.

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    1. You know, I assumed I knew the answer to this, but learned a lot from Wiki’s definition: “The Arbor Day Foundation is a 501c nonprofit conservation and education organization founded in 1972 in Nebraska, United States, by John Rosenow. It is the largest nonprofit membership organization dedicated to tree planting. The Foundation’s stated corporate mission is “to inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees.” The Foundation programs are supported by members, donors, and corporate sponsors that share the same vision of a healthier and greener world.”


  7. Arbor Day wasn’t on my radar but I was already sorta planning to do some yard work tomorrow so we’ll just call that my way of celebrating Arbor Day, even though I certainly won’t be planting any trees. I have a modest goal of cleaning up the front yard tomorrow and doing the rest of the yard another day (since I did not do any fall clean up, there’s now a lot of spring cleanup to do).


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