A Good Hair Cut

My hairdresser of 30 years had a stroke last year, and I had to switch to a new stylist. The new one  did sort of OK for the past 12 months, but things weren’t really working out for me but I didn’t really know how to tell her what wasn’t working.

When Barbara in Rivertown did her Baboon retrospective a couple of weeks back, there was a photo of me and Husband taken by Steve when we met up for a meal in Oregon. I had just had my hair cut by my old stylist before we set out for the West Coast. I showed my new stylist the photo, and she knew immediately what I wanted. A picture was worth a thousand words. I don’t speak the same language she does, and the photo did the talking. I left her looking like I wanted. It was such a relief.

Who do you find it easy to communicate with? Who is hard for you to communicate with? 

39 thoughts on “A Good Hair Cut”

  1. Your hair looked great when we met, Renee. The two of you were good sports about my taking your picture. I’m delighted the photo helped.

    I think my last haircut in MI was okay. Molly says it was. I don’t have direct evidence of that, as I have not looked into a mirror for about six years. 😁


      1. My favorite barber, who cut my hair for close to 20 years, is surely no longer living. His son probably runs the shop now. He was never my favorite. Meanwhile, my new apartment complex brings a barber in on a regular basis. That’s my next barber. This place is classy. I’m just coming to terms with its programs.

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    1. Come on, Steve, you don’t mean to tell me that your barber in MI (or anywhere else for that matter) didn’t have a mirror in front of your chair?
      I think the point you’re trying to make is that you’re not vain, but really, not having looked in a mirror for six years is a bit of a stretch for me.


  2. I suppose I find it easiest to communicate with people who are curious and open to new stuff, new ideas. Will have to think further about this.

    The two stylists I’ve had here in Winona are a bit tricky, which is guess is because we have almost nothing in common, and wasn’t the case in Mpls.

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  3. I find it hard to communicate with IT or high tech folks at times, because if I don’t use the correct terminology, they can’t figure out what it is I need help with. It is as though they don’t have very active imaginations or aren’t very flexible thinkers.

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    1. When WP was dumping my comments in the spam box (and not telling me) I turned to the WP help forum, saying I couldn’t post for some reason. The response was, “Only the site administrators can approve posts.” Okay, so I used the word “post” when I should have said “comment.” It was a classic case of the difficulty of talking to an engineer.

      Liked by 3 people

  4. Rise and Shine Baboons,

    We had an incident in the office yesterday in which communication was part of the issue, but mostly it was about power and ego of a policeman. In my entire career of working cooperatively with police, I have never, ever encountered someone who wanted to just intimidate me.

    The Savage police entered our offices and banged on our group therapy room door while I was conducting a group. There was a parking incident in the parking lot outside the offices and one person walked away from the scene after ascertaining there was no damage. The other party called the police. I knew nothing about any part of the incident. They found my business card in the person’s car so the officer came into the office to find me. He banged loudly on the door. The guy was really large and intimidating, using his size and intensity to attempt to “investigate a crime.”

    I gave him my name and let him know that the white vehicle involved was not my car. He kept interrogating me and insisted I was impeding a criminal investigation when I did not even know what he was in the office for! I told him that I could not identify anyone in the therapy room or allow him in because I am bound by HIPAA law to protect my clients’ identities. He threatened me with impeding again and told me he would impound the car, then stormed out of the offices.

    I called the police station and reported that this had happened and talked to his Sgt who told me the incident was filmed with a body camera and he watched the recording. I asked the Sgt why the officer did not just call the number on the business card, leave a message and ask me to call? He got defensive. I pointed out to him that I thought this was a high intensity intervention for an incident in which there was no obvious damage. By then I was really angry. He backed off at that point.

    We will have our attorney write a letter to point out some very obvious facts that I tried to communicate, but the message was not received. It appears this police department does not train about privacy rules or have a Medical Facilities policy in place. Our letter-writing campaign will ensue after the attorney letter goes out.

    I. Was. So. Angry. I.was. Shaking.

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        1. I don’t really know, Jacque. Many years ago, my oncologist was named John Savage. I knew before I went to see him that his bed-side manners left a lot to be desired, but that he was an extremely capable doctor who would leave no stone unturned to assure the very best care and treatment for his patients. But I can honestly say, I don’t think I have ever experienced a more rude and condescending person in my life, and I’m not ruling out that his name had something to do with it.

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      1. The thing is, he endangered himself! He walked into a Mental Health treatment office, then banged on a door, having no idea who was in there. We work with people who cannot manage themselves. Had the wrong person been there that day, the police officer would have put himself in a position of being harmed by someone with a major diagnosis. It was so impulsive on his part.

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        1. I wonder if your attorney should cc the letter to the Savage City Attorney. Those folks don’t like it when the police don’t follow rules or protocols. They want to avoid law suits.

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    1. A lot of cops need sensitivity training and enlightened leadership. People of color have been saying for decades that cops are irrationally aggressive with them. Now we have videos to prove that, like the four year old black girl who was confronted by a cop with a pistol aimed at her head.

      So sorry, Jacque.

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    2. In our township, we have a residential treatment center. We hear from our township deputy about some of the calls they have out there. When it first opened a few years ago they were very defensive toward the officers and non-communicative and unhelpful, even when it was they who called or the call was about an abusive client.
      Basically, “You called us for help and now won’t tell us where the person is of even if they’re here??”.

      HIPPA laws do apply to a point, but from what we’ve learned, if there is a question of safety, HIPPA shouldn’t intercede. And when the head administrator shoved the sheriff deputy, well, that was a problem.

      I’m not defending the police officer responding to you Jacque, I’m just saying it has to work both ways.

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      1. It does need to work both ways, Ben, I agree. I have had really good relationships with the police over the years in my professional roles, which was part of the reason I was so floored and angry with this one. I have seen the cops have to tolerate all kinds of abuse, or in the case of your local Residential facility, all kinds of manipulative behavior. That sounds like a management issue. Most residential facilities ask for a liaison officer with whom they can build a relationship, then build procedures so the needed work gets done. What you describe is very poor management. HIPAA laws are present, and there are managerial ways to be sure everyone has the info they need. In that kind of facility you start by having the resident sign a release of information before admission, to the police so that if there is a call, the staff can communicate with the police. It is not that hard.

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        1. Yes, you’re right on. In fact, there is a new administrator at the facility and for the most part things improved tremendously.
          But lately there have been a few clients walking off seemingly without staff knowledge (it’s only discovered when someone calls the deputies to report the client walking down the road).
          Or a change in personal at the facility so the new people don’t know how to deal with the deputy.
          But an email to the administrator yields an immediate response so hopefully that helps.

          Liked by 2 people

  5. ot

    my daughter emma’s grad party is tomorrow sat june 21, 12-4 at
    11695 mt curve rd
    eden prairie mn 55347

    612 910 900zero if questions

    taco bar is the theme
    minnesota is the level of spice offered

    come if you can

    Liked by 3 people

  6. I decided long ago to not bother with special hair or hairdos. I am lucky to have long, wavy hair and I need is a trim once or twice a year. No layers, no special cut, no techniques, no coloring. Just a trim, thank you very much. The amount of money women spend on beautiful hair styles, colors, etc, is stupefying and I won’t do it.


  7. IT is a field in which I don’t know enough of the jargon to communicate effectively. Sometimes, though, I get enough of the lingo to grasp a concept, and that’s kind of liberating. I remember having an ongoing argument with the management at a previous job when Y2K was considered a big threat. People at my organization were convinced that the audio equipment might fail on January 1st, 2000. I kept telling them that that didn’t make any sense, but didn’t have the words to convince them. Finally an engineer gave me the terminology. He said the audio gear wouldn’t be affected because it was “date stupid”. From then on, that was all I had to say – “No, the tape deck will be fine – it’s date stupid.”

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  8. I find it hard to communicate with people who refuse to acknowledge reality. I know of no person who is a saint. I also don’t know anyone who doesn’t have some redeeming qualities, although I have to admit that DT and some of his supporters are coming dangerously close in that department.

    Liked by 1 person

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