Planning Ahead

Now that Christmas Day is over, husband and Daughter and I started talking about a trip next December to Austria.  Daughter has lots of exciting ideas and brings up infinite possibilities. Husband is dour, and says he just wants to be away from the US and all the holiday hysteria the week of the 25th, while Daughter wants to be gone in early December.  Prague is a must, as is Hallestadt, Austria.  I just don’t want to be rushed and stressed. We will spend the next couple of months debating and discussing, and then we will consult with a travel agent. Planning ahead sometimes isn’t easy with a bunch of opinionated people.

How do you and your family plan ahead? How do your plans work out?

18 thoughts on “Planning Ahead”

  1. YA is similar to many of her peers in that planning ahead doesn’t seem to be part of her agenda. Although when we were out to lunch on Saturday, we did talk about a trip that we are planning for probably June, to San Diego. When we start getting down to more concrete planning, I will, of course have a binder.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I’m probably what you’d call an obsessive planner. To me, planning a trip is half the fun. I love studying maps and now with the internet, I love looking for the best places to stay, eat, visit, and such.

    Two downsides to that method: We don’t do much spontaneous traveling, and nowadays there are so many choices for everything that sometimes I feel a little paralysis by analysis.

    Chris in Owatonna

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  3. Morning-
    Light snow this morning covering the patches of ice. Fun!

    I work with multiple frames of time. It’s sort of interesting.
    For theater and shows I’m working a year or more out to schedule shows. But if you ask me about a movie tomorrow, well, let’s just wait and see what happens.
    Yesterday we were trying to plan a big trip. We were asked ‘When would you like to take this trip?” Well… Mid June works for me, but that’s a terrible time for Kelly at work. June – August is her worst time to be gone. But about the best time for me to be gone. So can’t realistically do a 10 day trip in there.
    Time is hard.

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  4. I love trips and have a list of options with an idea of what kind of preplanning is required to make that happen. If it’s free stuff it can be plugged in a deleted later but if it’s tickets to somewhere that need to be arranged a month in advance for $100 each it locks itself in and the trip builds around it

    London Paris was fun because we plugged in Disney Paris the louvre and he Eiffel,tower and then just filled in around it

    London had the sky garden as I believe the only planned item. Museum and dinner and theater plans were all off the cuff. Very fun

    Business trips require meetings and arranged time commitments then out and about to see the local stuff. Wish I could go see the Great Wall and the forbidden city in China but it never happens but I do see Museums and cool,stuff. And I am a big fan of back road tourism where you see how he locals live

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  5. I hate making lots of decisions ahead of time, which gets problematic when planning a trip. This is one reason I don’t like flying, and prefer road trips – maximum flexibility. The trips work out best when the people we visit are also into spontaneity, like the one we just did. : ) And Amtrak, with less ridership than airlines, is easier to book at last minute, if a road trip isn’t feasible.

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  6. Daughter was excited about all the odd museums she could go to in Vienna, like the Museum of Disfiguring Diseases. I told her I wasn’t too sure about that.


    1. That does sound interesting, but probably not for someone as squeamish as I am. I just looked it up, and apparently the museum is an old insane asylum.


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