Automotive Aeronautics

Saw a news story yesterday about a Tesla flying into a building.  Watch until the end, because the last camera’s viewpoint is fascinating.

Of course, I assumed it was a Tesla that was driving itself.  Imagine sitting back in your Tesla, kind of paying attention and suddenly you are crashing into a building.  Turns out that it was a guy driving; he said he lost control.  Witnesses suggested he had sped up to make a light before the car took wing.  So the story isn’t as fun as a Tesla auto-piloting it’s way into a building – not sure what that says about me.

I’m thinking the driver was incredibly lucky – his entry point into the building was the glass window and door entry way; if he had sailed into some other part of the building at that speed, I wouldn’t be writing this story because the poor guy would likely be pushing up daisies. 

When was the last time you flew anywhere?  Any flights coming up?

36 thoughts on “Automotive Aeronautics”

  1. 3 flights since the lockdown in 2020. Northern Virginia in June 2021, Pittsburgh in October 2021, Tucson in April of this year. Nothing on the docket until December (to Miami first, then continue to Buenos Aires). Hopefully will get something domestic planned before that.

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  2. Last time was April 2019 for destination wedding in Maui! Glad to no have to plan anything like that in the near future.

    It seems we’re “grounded” for the moment. Unless something changes, Husband is just very wary of leaving, even overnight, and I can understand his hesitation – it would just be hard to duplicate the routine we have here at home. Luckily, we can meet friends and family in Red Wing for an hour or two, or people can visit us – my sister plans to be here at end of June with her granddaughter for a few days.

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  3. No flights in our foreseeable future. Wow! This video is reminiscent of the U of M bus crashing into the Acadia Cafe a couple of months ago. Still waiting to hear what happened to cause that situation…

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  4. We were just in New Orleans. No flights planned for now. My anxiety was very high, although the flight went well. Daughter is flying to the Cities in July to see friends and meet up with us in Fargo. She was appalled at the cost.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah — trying to keep budgets in this universe right now in the travel industry is a nightmare!


  5. Brisk out here on patio in this wind. So tired of wind.
    A large office building (large for Mankato) was built downtown. They were allowed to built almost up against the street. All glass down to ground on two busy intersections with big doors on corners by intersections. Took only a few months for a car to crash into the office on one corner. They sat indented for years.

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  6. That is some amazing video! I saw another one that showed a car going down the road with a cute dog behind the wheel and absolutely no humans in the car. The video had sound and the guys were carrying on about where was the driver. They were calling out to the dog. It must have been one of those driverless cars but I really don’t know.

    I flew to AZ to visit a friend in March of 2018. That was the last time I flew anywhere. I’m not a frequent flyer. It terrifies me. The combination of covid and the potential behavior of other passengers is alarming now so I’m not planning any flights. I am somewhat interested in trying a trip to the west coast on Amtrak though.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Love the Jetson’s photo up top. Why don’t we hear more about the Jetsons as retro cartoons? Our roomba is called Rosie, and I after I emailed the company that she was not behaving right, they sent a replacement! So we have Rosie II.

    Last flight was 2018, flew out to PA for a wedding. Don’t have anything else scheduled at the moment.
    Friend of mine is flying to Boston ‘for the weekend’. Leaving today, going to a show on Sunday, flying back Monday. Good for them.

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  8. The original Red’s Savoy Pizza restaurant and bar on the corner of East 7th St. and the Lafayette Bridge was rammed into, twice, with a car in the time that I have lived here. On both occasions, a driver coming off the Lafayette Bridge apparently wasn’t aware that the freeway ended there and rammed right into Red’s, pretty much where their front door was located. On neither occasion was anyone at Red’s injured – I don’t know about the drivers – but following the second accident, a large concrete barrier was placed in front of the building on that corner. That particular Red’s Savoy Pizza (there are several others) has since closed, and I still miss it. They had the best pizza. Whenever we’d get take-out pizza, we’d get it from there.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. I’m not sure when or even where I went the last time I flew. It might have been to Bellingham, WA to attend the memorial service for our friend Mike Mikkelsen in June of 2013.

    Truth be told, I no longer enjoy flying. Every bit of pleasure that was once associated with flying has been stripped from the experience. Long lines for the security screenings, cramped seats on the planes, poor quality food, snacks, and service, and for me, because of my bowel condition, the notion of three-hundred passengers in competition for four toilets gives me anxiety attacks. No thanks. If I can’t get there by car, bus, train or boat, I ain’t goin’.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Rise and Shine Baboons,

    Our last flight was to AZ to stay for a week and attend our grandson’s football game. We flew while Delta COVID was on the wane, and Omicron was not yet in the air. I imagine we will do this again this fall, unless prices are exorbitant. For those concerned about behavior of passengers, on our flights things were calm and polite without a whiff of hostility. Everyone complied with mask mandates.

    I don’t have anything else planned at this time, although I still have my eye on returning to Ireland to satisfy my curiosity about that great land and a last trip to Italy, which I enjoyed so much. We will see. Everything is on hold until I determine how functional my new hip is (no problems foreseen, just cautious) and until we all see if the world can calm itself a bit.

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  11. The wind is gusting up to 53 mph here. Everything is flying around outside. Son and Dil were in the storm that hit SD last night. They have no electricity, the water tower in their town of Aurora is empty and isn’t filling, and the only store open in Brookings is the Hy Vee. They drove to Sioux Falls for a hot meal.

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  12. OT, We had a big outing today, going out to the Arboretum and driving through to see the tulips. They were just so beautiful and colorful. With our very late Spring now upon us, we could see that everything is blooming and pollinating at the same time: trees, wild plum blossoms, willows. No wonder I have an allergy headache today. We also have baby bunnies in the yard. My inner Farmer McGregor is stymied at this time, but the bunnies better not make trouble. Hmph.

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    1. Were you able to walk (possibly with the aid of a walker), or were you using a wheelchair to get around. Either way, I think it’s great that you’re getting out and about.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I did not get out of the car at the Arb—that is too challenging, and there is so much COVID around, I did not want to risk an exposure. (My intern at work tested positive today, although I have not been around her). When I am in the neighborhood, I walk with a cane. This procedure is really miraculous. I am 11 days out of surgery, and I can now walk two blocks. I gave up the walker about 5 days ago. The rehab people discourage wheelchair use—they want people up and walking. I just get so tired. After we got back home I slept for an hour.

        Liked by 4 people

        1. That’s great, Jacque, glad you’re doing well. Napping is a perfectly fine refresher to help get you through the day. I take one after dinner every day.


  13. i most recently flew to vegas
    i have a daughter who wants me to take her to ireland we’ll see
    i’ll be heading back to china when allowed and i’d like to go to nyc soon
    we have some issues that may make chicago happen soon
    i always wanted to be a pilot but that may have to be scratched from my bucket list o think there’s an age limit but i don’t have enough ducks in a row to bother looking into it
    i was listening to a text talk about driverless drone taxis for rush hour traffic in nyc houston hongkong etc

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  14. A couple of the YouTube farmers I watch had some significant damage from the storms yesterday.
    Both Mn Millennial Farmer by Alexandria and Larson Farms by Lowery, both lost bins, sheds and trees. Families are alright though.

    Liked by 3 people

  15. All I can think is ohhh man What a scary day to be involved in automation. I realize this wasn’t driven by the car, but maybe it should be? Still, lawsuits everywhere.


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