They Call The Wind. . . .Annoying

We just can’t get a break with the weather. Our home garden got planted late due to freezing temperatures in May, and then we had a hail storm in June that took out the tomatoes and peppers and shredded the beans and peas.

Our church vegetable garden is planted in six, waist-high raised beds. We planted bush squash, peas, beans, and savoy cabbages there. We planted the squash and cabbages in raised mounds just to give them ample depth for roots. That garden didn’t get the hail we did at our house several blocks away. Last Sunday the bush squash and cabbages at church were looking spectacular. Then, on Tuesday, the wind hit.

I never realized how shallow squash roots are. The wind gusted up to 50 mph, and almost entirely uprooted the squash. Husband frantically placed cedar shakes around the squash and cabbage mounds to block the wind, and piled more dirt over the exposed roots. Many of the squash stems were bent and the leaves broken off and wilted. By yesterday they looked a little better, but, again, this sets back possible harvest.

Our home garden wasn’t affected by the wind since the plants are at ground level, not in waist-high raised beds. I think we will have ample cabbages and squash to take to the food pantry if the church garden doesn’t produce.

Let’s have some weather inspired songs and poems today.

57 thoughts on “They Call The Wind. . . .Annoying”

  1. Like to both of these.

    OT: Tech update – I’ve contacted WordPress’ Customer Support – apparently my problem in not staying signed in, and not being able to Like, is in my own system, not something WP can fix. I’ve cleared the Cache in my Firefox server, and tried switching ISPs. No change. If I get a computer guru friend to help me, I may make some progress, but for now, it is what it is.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m not buying it. I have the exact same problem, and absolutely nothing had changed on my computer when this first started four days ago. I have since then upgraded my software, emptied my cashe, twirled around three times with my eyes closed, and nothing has made a difference. Like I commented to BiR when she forwarded her initial response from WP’s customer support, I have zero confidence in an outfit that refers to their techies as “Happiness Engineers.” Who do they think they are? Disney?

      Liked by 2 people

  2. The song that inspired Renee’s title today:

    Chris in Owatonna

    **BSP** GEM Days tomorrow on North Cedar Ave. in Owatonna. 9-3. Food, music, lots of vendors, come and check out our newly renovated downtown street and the soon-to-open Marriott Courtyard hotel. I’ll be selling and signing all my books on the SW corner of Cedar and Pearl (200 block of Cedar). Hope to see you there. **ENd BSP**

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I thought of this one because I took a quarter of guitar in community college in the late 1980s and the instructor tried to teach it to us:

    Liked by 5 people

    1. When I was at Carlton my freshman year, my roommate bought a stereo about halfway through the year. It was glorious and we used to lay on the floor with our heads between the speakers. Dust in the Wind was one of the songs that we listened to over and over again.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Here is one by Carl Sandburg

    The fog comes
    on little cat feet.

    It sits looking
    over harbor and city
    on silent haunches
    and then moves on.


  5. Was on a different computer today and WP wouldn’t let me do anything. This on my cell phone.

    If it’s windy down in our valley, we know it must be bad up top of the hill.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. We have strong winds that affect our raised beds on the 2nd floor deck of our 5 story apt bldg a block off the Mississippi in Mpls. I have had huge zucchini plants and larger squash blown out of the beds. We quickly lifted them back into the beds and kept adding to the cage we tried to create to protect them. This year we planted them in our more protected 1st floor courtyard. But I have learned to respect the wind coming from the river. Gusts often 40-50 mph limit what I can put in balcony planter (lantana & smaller geraniums ok so far). Wind also means you have to water raised beds more often

    Liked by 3 people

  7. I don’t know how to post videos but here are a couple more weather titles:
    Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head – BJ Thomas
    Rainy Days and Mondays – The Carpenters

    My deck plants have survived the wind pretty well though my geranium got knocked off a small table and a small part of it broke off. I am more perturbed about the high winds that make kayaking nearly impossible.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. OT – A shout out to tim who delivered a fresh supply of eggs from Ben’s farm today. He had the most charming little redhead in tow, his grandson Ari. What an absolutely adorable little boy. Thanks tim, I appreciate it.

    Liked by 4 people

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