Great Minds

We spent the day in Bismarck on Tuesday with short, but eventful, episodes at the eye clinic interspersed  with notable periods of down time  in which we could shop and eat.

We hit the mall after Husband’s pre-op appointment  to search at Penney’s for an extra long ironing board cover (No luck. I will have to order one). Then to Target for lubricating eye drops, therapy art supplies, and shampoo, and then to the grocery store. Our grocery list consisted of roasting chickens, Maggi Seasoning Sauce, and barley malt syrup for bread baking.

The Bismarck  grocery store we like to go to is rather higher end than the ones in our town, and we both made a bee line to the produce section as soon as we entered. I said “I think we should look for a Savoy cabbage”. Husband said “I was thinking the same thing!” Neither of us had mentioned Savoy cabbage to the other, but it was on both our minds as we drove to  Bismarck that morning.  Husband has anxiety  about getting enough fresh greens during the winter. I do not have vegetable anxiety, but I have had my eye on a recipe for Fischrouladen, which is cabbage rolls stuffed  with savory cod and  topped with  a winey mustard cream sauce and fresh dill. It calls for Savoy cabbage.

Sure enough, they had Savoy cabbage but not any of the other things we wanted. Those will have to wait for a trip to Fargo. I think it is funny we both thought of Savoy cabbage. How weird is that?

Who thinks like you?

32 thoughts on “Great Minds”

  1. When I read a post like this Renee, it reminds me how grateful I should be to have such easy access to a plentiful assortment of fresh produce. And I am.

    The Sholom Home, where our friend Hans Olaf is currently residing, is located next door to one of the Mississippi Market co-ops. Their fruit and produce section is wonderful. Not cheap, but truly wonderful.

    That said, I’m pretty sure Hans wouldn’t be able to identify a savoy cabbage, but he’d be able to come up with a nice bunch of kale and a celeriac.

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    1. Decent human beings come in many guises, I guess. Some, those that don’t agree with me, are wrong, but I’m magnanimous enough to cope with it. Signed PJ, “Frequently wrong, but never in doubt.”

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  2. I doubt many people, if any, think like me for more than a passing thought. From pretty early on, I’ve believed my mind works differently than most folks. Not better, just different.

    Apropos of nothing, I heard and then saw my first robin of “Spring.” Amazing, considering the thermometer read -17. Did that young lady not get the memo that Spring begins NEXT month?

    Chris in Owatonna

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    1. I’m the self-appointed wildlife guy on this forum. The robin you saw might never have migrated this year. Increasingly, some robins stay north through the winter. There used to be a big flock of them hanging out in the off-leash dog park. Staying up north has risks, but those that survive get the choicest breeding habitat.

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        1. I should have mentioned that migrating is dangerous. Birds fly enormous distances through strange country. Things happen. Migrating birds die much more often than those that stay, but of course cold weather is a threat, too. Some observers believe more birds stay north because humans impact the habitat in ways that favor sticking around. The presence of open water through the cold months would be an example.


      1. One winter day about a year ago, the south-facing side of my neighbor’s roof was covered with robins. Watching them, I quickly realized they were there for the water melting off the remaining snow. It should have been obvious that finding drinkable water is a problem for overwintering birds but it never occurred to me before.

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      2. My wife told me that factoid too. I was always in the “robins migrate” camp, mainly because I never remembered seeing any from about Dec- Feb.

        Chris (learning something new every day.)


  3. I’m chuckling to myself or the idea that someone could have anxiety about greens during the winter. I never have anxiety about greens. But if I thought there was a serious threat to cheese in my world, I would then have serious anxiety.

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  4. One of my best friends (Pat) and I think quite a bit alike. In fact we often egg other on and the tagline of our friendship is “bunkbeds in hell, baby”.

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  5. Rise and Shine Baboons,

    I have found a few people that have similar minds—my father and my nephew especially seem to have similar thinking processes and hand gestures. There is an old 1960s era film of my dad, as a County Extension Director, talking about something agricultural. When I watched it I was surprised to see my hand gestures and motions in someone else so close to me.

    One of my oldest friends was here the last two days. She and I still think alike regarding some old friends and acquaintances from the small town where we were raised. It is fun to chat about this place because we have the same frame of reference and similar experiences. And we both left forever and have similar thoughts about that, too. Her 98 yo father, who lived here in Phoenix, died Jan 31, and her son got married in San Diego over the weekend. So she had two major family events—a wedding and a memorial service in 4 days. She was kind of a basket case, but who could blame her! She and her husband returned home yesterday. They were tired.

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    1. Husband, his late father, and two brothers, share not only an uncanny resemblance of physical features, but also hand gestures and other physical postures. These are not gestures or postures they have deliberately learned by imitation, they are deeply rooted, somehow, in their DNA. Although they disagree on just about everything, they have similar thought patterns and behaviors as well.To be fair, most of these behaviors don’t bother me, at all, but the ones that do are a regular source of frustration, and I know I don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of changing them.

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  6. Husband and I think alike on the big picture world view kinds of things, but are way different about details of how a household should be run – particularly where and whether money should be spent. Particularly this morning, but I’ll spare you the details.

    I have found at least one person in each place I’ve lived who has similar enough thinking that I hang onto them… and my sister. As Jacque mentioned, it is good to have someone who knows you from way back, and may know why you think some of the things you think.

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  7. We might ask which person on this forum most nearly thinks the way we do. There are some wonderful folks here whose brains clearly operate differently from mine. The person whose mind works most like mine is probably Renee, with BiR in a strong second place. tim, god love him, comes from a different planet. And that’s part of the fun of coming here.

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  8. My husband and I definitely don’t think alike, but on occasion can match thoughts. Sometimes when I’m thinking really hard about something and talking in my head, Jim will look at me and say “What did you say?” Weird. He is rather intuitive.

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  9. Robin and I think alike in a lot of ways. We almost always agree on money issues, although she asks my “permission” before she buys something she wants more often than I do and sometimes I have to egg her on to go ahead and buy something perfectly reasonable that I know she wants.
    We are sometimes almost psychic about food and more than once I’ve made something out of the ordinary when she has been, unbeknownst to me, craving that very thing. That happened once with a lemon meringue pie, not something I make every day.

    She is not, however, interested in my speculations about how things around the house work or how they are supposed to work when they are not working. Fascinating as my speculations seem, she tunes them out.

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  10. I really have no idea who thinks like me. There are lots of people who arrive at the same conclusion as I do to any given problem, but the way we get there is often completely different. Also, just because I share an opinion with someone, doesn’t necessarily mean we think alike.

    One of the things I enjoy about the trail is the sometimes surprising associations baboons make to any given situation. More often than not we have similar responses, and then BAM! tim, Linda or someone completely unexpected will have some insight or response that jolts me awake to other possibilities.

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